Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 63
e Challenges for Sustainable Tourism
Development in the Region of S Primorska

Marko Koščak

Prispevek tematizira vlogo turizma kot enega najpomembnejših gospodarskih sektorjev na Primor- 63

skem. Pomembna naloga za izboljšanje konkurenčnega položaja turističnih destinacij na Primorskem je

izboljšanje trenutne organizacije turizma v smeri boljšega sodelovanja med zainteresiranimi strankami

v regiji, in oblikovanju učinkovitega destinacijskega managementa. To je tudi izziv za turistično ponud-

bo v regiji; namreč razvoj novih in inovativnih izdelkov trajnostnega turizma, pri katerem dediščinski

turizem igra pomembno vlogo.

Ključne besede: južna Primorska, Slovenija, dediščinski turizem, destinacijski management, participator-
no načrtovanje, integrirani projekt dediščinskih poti

The paper addresses the role of tourism as one of the most important economic sectors in the S Primor-

ska region. An important task for better competitive position of tourism destination of S Primorska is

improvement of current tourism organisation towards better co-operation between stakeholders in the

region, and formation of efficient destination management. It is also a challenge for the region’s tour-

ism offer to develop new and innovative products on the side of the sustainable tourism where heritage

tourism could play important role.

Keywords: S Primorska, Slovenia, heritage tourism, destination management, participatory planning,
integrated project Heritage Trail
The classic »sun and sand« tourism desti-
nations in Europe are finding it increa- One way to meet these new challenges and
singly difficult to hold onto their share of to capitalise on changing market preferences in
Europe and in Slovenia is to consider developing
the market as new areas develop elsewhere in the sustainable tourism based on rich natural and
world and become more affordable. cultural heritage. With so many different land-
»Alternative« forms of tourism, on the scapes, climates, cultural particularities and tra-
other hand, are booming. According to figures ditions, dialects and natural environments, Slo-
by the end of millennium they are growing al- venia offers an ideal platform for these more
most three times (8%) as fast as the classic tour- specialised and increasingly popular forms of
ism market. Recent market surveys reveal that tourism. This also includes region of S Primor-
more and more people are interested not only ska, the most visited tourist region in Slovenia,
in trying out new places but also in discovering when talking about tourism volumes in last dec-
different forms of tourism. They are also placing ades.
greater emphasis on quality products, more envi-
ronmentally conscious forms of tourism and on
shorter but more frequent trips.
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