Page 66 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 66
of the market, or more likely underchar- ced by rich and varied woodland, and by terraces
ging. with vines, olive trees, maize fields and orchards.

studia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 1 66The Case of Heritage TrailsFigure 5: Village of Padna in Slovenian Istria.
of Slovenian Istria and Dolina
hereditati The overall effect is of a fine and distinctive
In 2001 the municipalities of Piran, Izola and landscape. The area is rich in wildlife, and in fea-
Koper, and many public and private organisa- tures of cultural heritage, including fine churches
tions in Slovenian Istria, have expressed enthu- (some with remarkable frescoes and other featu-
siasm for the concept of a Heritage Trail. They res), vernacular buildings, water-powered mil-
were fortunate in being able to observe what has ls and other monuments. It has traditional lo-
been achieved in the pioneer Heritage Trail in cal products of high quality, notable a variety of
Dolenjska & Bela krajina (presented in the Case good wines; a distinctive regional cuisine; and a
Study No. 1). It should be recognised, however, local dialect and tradition of customs, dress, mu-
that there is no standard model of Heritage Tra- sic and decorative arts which are remembered
il. The initiative in each area should be suited to and valued by the older local people.
the character of that area.
This territory is served by a complex
Figure 4: Map of Slovenia Istria with its coastal and hin- network of roads and tracks. The roads which
terland part. serve the main villages are generally paved, and
wide enough to take lorries or buses. Elsewhere
Seen from a European perspective, Sloveni- many of the roads are narrow, suited only to light
an Istria is a compact rural area of very distinctive traffic, and many of them are dirt roads rather
character. It is green and fertile, with Mediterra- than paved highways. There are green tracks sui-
nean climate and vegetation. It has a remarka- ted to horse-riding, cycling and walking. The ro-
ble structure of deep valleys and flat-topped hil- ads within some of the villages are quite narrow,
ls, with plateaux which offer very fine views west with very limited space for roadside parking.
to the sea, north into mountainous Slovenia, and
south into Croatian Istria. The profile of these Heritage Trails Consultancy
hills is accentuated by the location of many vil-
lages on the plateau rim, with church spires mar- The main implementation institution for the
king the end of each ridge. The villages, hamlets project beside three already mentioned muni-
and isolated buildings are mainly of strong tradi- cipalities of Koper, Izola and Piran was Regio-
tional character, built of local limestone or blue- nal Development Centre of Koper, which was
-stone, with tiled roofs and many graceful featu- supported by regional institutions on the field of
res. The plateaux and the valley bottoms contain natural and cultural heritage. Partners & stake-
cultivated fields and pastures. The slopes are gra- holders in the project were institutions from pu-
blic, private and NGO sector in this part of Slo-
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