Page 72 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 72
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 1 72decline and as consequence also other negativeImportant task for better competitive position of tour-
economics trends in tourism. ism destination of S Primorska is improvement of cur-
hereditati rent tourism organisation towards better co-operation
Povzetek between stakeholders in the region, and formation of ef-
ficient destination management. This is, which is a kind
Eden glavnih gospodarskih segmentov gospodarstva of paradox, evidenced by fact, that S Primorska is the
Južno Primorske regije je turizem. Ta se, tako kot ce- only statistical region in Slovenia - with the highest vol-
lotni slovenski turizem, srečuje z izzivi za zagotavljan- ume of tourist arrivals - which has not formed Regional
je ustrezne ponudbe, ki bo spoštovala parametre tra- Destination Organisation – RDO.
jnostnega razvoja in ne nazadnje tudi s čedalje večjo It is also a challenge for the region’s tourism offer to de-
konkurenco s strani razvitih turističnih držav v regiji. velop new and innovative products on the side of the
Ena od pomembnih nalog za povečanje globalne sustainable tourism where heritage tourism could play
konkurenčnosti turizma na tem območju, je potreba an important role, particularly for the local entrepre-
po izboljšanju turistične organiziranosti pri upravljan- neurs in rural hinterland of Slovenian Istria.
ju te obmejne destinacije in vzpostavitev učinkovite- One of the beneficial methodologies for developing
ga destinacijskega managementa. Gre kar za nekakšen and expanding a level of tourism to that which is sus-
paradoks, saj najbolj razvito turistično območje nima tainable and enhances the totality of local and region-
skupnega upravljanja oziroma vzpostavljene regijske al environments is using a multi-stakeholder approach.
destinacijske organizacije - RDO-ja. The second part of this paper presents a case-study of
Izziv za turistično ponudbo v regiji bodo tudi novi, in- the “Heritage trails through Slovenian Istria and Do-
ovativni izdelki, ki bodo okrepili trajnostni značaj tu- lina”, in which sustainable rural development was pur-
rizma in poudarili naravno in kulturno ter živo dedišči- sued by using an integrated approach in terms of start-
no območja), zlasti za lokalne podjetnike v ruralnem up, implementation and development. Lessons learned
zaledju slovenske Istre. Prav tako bodo pomembne tudi and presented from this case could hopefully help in
nekatere druge naloge, ki jih bodo morali udejanjiti structuring future action in the field of sustainable tour-
deležniki v turistični ponudbi te regije in sicer bolj razvi- ism development in the region of S Primorska.
ti turistično in podporno infrastrukturo ter storitve (še
posebej tiste segmente le-te, ki bodo okrepili trajnostni References
značaj turizma in poudarili naravno in kulturno ter živo
dediščino območja). Bornhorst, T., Ritchie, J.R.B., Sheehan, L. »De-
Drugi del pričujočega prispevka predstavlja case-study terminants of tourism success for DMOs &
»Dediščinskih poti po slovenski Istri in Dolini«, pri kat- destinations: An empirical examination of
eri smo zasledovali cilj trajnostnega s pomočjo celovite- stakeholders' perspectives«. Tourism Ma-
ga pristopa v smislu startup-a, implementacije in razvoja. nagement 31, 5 (2010): 572–589.
Sklepi, do katerih smo prišli v tem primeru, nam bodo
po pričakovanjih pomagali pri strukturiranju prihodn- Buhalis, D. »Marketing the competitive desti-
jih podvigov na področju trajnostnega turizma na po- nation of the future«. Tourism Manage-
dročju J Primorske. ment 21 (2000): 98.

Summary Butler, R.W. »The concept of a tourist area cycle
of evolution: implications for management
One of the most important economic sectors in the re- of resources«. The Canadian Geographer/
gion of S Primorska is tourism. It is challenged as it is Le Géographe canadien 24,1 (1980): 5–12.
overall Slovenian tourism with adequate offer, which
will be in trends of sustainable development as well as to Butler, R.W. 2004: The tourism area life cycle in
the respond on growing competition from developed the twenty-first century. A Companion to
tourism offer in the neighbouring international regions. Tourism. Oxford.

Master Plan on Tourism Development (2004.-
2012.) Istria, THR Barcelona, Horwath
Consulting Zagreb, 2003
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