Page 281 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 281
Mathematical Laws of Nature: The Factor of Cross-Curricular Connections in Teaching

ing, the most valuable approach to the processing of bio-mathematical top-
ics is through teamwork on a specific study problem. As Hurić (2014) states,
mathematics should be used in biology teaching mostly in students’ group
work. A task assigned to a specific group would imply that students collect
certain data and information, process them and then, using statistical and
descriptive methods, computer and certain programs, establish adjust and
evaluate the mathematical model and eventually draw conclusions.

Well-organized teamwork on the set task best illustrates: cross-curricularity
of mathematical biology, the role of statistics in the process of scientific re-
search, the process of mathematical modelling, the role of computers and
software support, inductive and deductive method, the need and value of
team cooperation, but also the ability to present research results.

The paper gives an overview of mathematical laws of nature, which are a
significant factor of cross-curricular connections in mathematics and biology
teaching. The emphasis is on Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, as the
inevitable flows that connect mathematics and biology.

In the first part of the paper, we dealt with the golden ratio and its ap-
plications throughout history. We have listed through examples, the signif-
icant properties of the golden spiral and the Φ number. We then gave a
brief overview of setting the Fibonacci rabbit problem and defining the Fi-
bonacci sequence. Also we presented various examples of the appearance
of Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio in nature, through which we can
notice the unbreakable interdisciplinary relationship between biology and
mathematics. At the very end, we discussed how biology and mathematics
teachers can connect the educational material and make it easier and more
acceptable to master, with reference to the obstacles and deficiencies that
we currently encounter in the implementation of interdisciplinary teaching
in primary and secondary schools, and faculties as well.

The Golden Ratio
Some researchers, such as Thapa and Thapa (2018), Baraba (2016), Bartlett
(2014) and others claim that even the ancient Egyptians used the golden ra-
tio in the construction of pyramids, and that the Great Pyramid side to height
ratio is approximately equal to the golden ratio. It can also be a coincidence,
as there is no written evidence to prove that they actually knew about the
golden ratio and that they used it to build pyramids (Milojković 2009).

Pythagoras and his followers were able to construct a regular pentagon
based on the knowledge of the golden ratio, and they probably defined it
as the division of one diagonal of a regular pentagon by a point belonging

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