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Cross-Curricular Integration of Earyl Science Education
and Philosophy for Children
Research findings in the field of a science skills assessment of Slovenian stu-
dents attending primary education show that students perform the worst in
communicating, reasoning, analysing, and data interpretation. Projects that
have been implemented in recent years and are aimed at introducing experi-
mental, research, and project-oriented lessons have failed to bridge this gap.
For this reason, we adopted a cross-curricular approach, which includes inte-
gration with subjects which, in a similar way to the subject of early science
education, develop skills which are seen to be the most problematic for our
students. In addition to the established cross-curricular approach, which in-
cludes integration with mathematics, integration with the compulsory addi-
tional subject of philosophy was also introduced. The focal point is a genuine
in-class conversation, which is an essential element of philosophy for children

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