Page 286 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 286
gica Milinković, Milenko Ćurčić, and Slađana Mitrović

of full turns is 2, and the number of interspaces is 3; between leaves 1 and
9, the number of full turns is 5, and the number of interspaces is 8; between
leaves 4 and 9, the number of full turns is 3, and the number of interspaces
is 5. Such a natural arrangement is the most rational as it allows the leaves to
make the best use of sun energy.

Another manifestation of the phyllotaxis pattern is very interesting. In
many plants such as sunflowers, cacti, palm trees, pinecones, artichokes, etc.
the principle of spiral growth is followed with mathematical precision, and it
is usually possible to easily notice more such spirals.

There are many protuberances on the cactus surface. In some cacti, start-
ing from the top, draw a spiral that connects the tops of adjacent protuber-
ances, and you can observe the 3, 5, 8 spiral.

To see all the beauties of nature, we can observe natural forms such as
flowers, patterns on animals, plants. There is an interesting regularity in
them, which, as mentioned above, has been observed way back in ancient
times. The key rule of the beauty role model is the divine proportion. Achil-
lea ptarmica flowers grow one shoot which after a few months grows a new
shoot, and this new one after a couple of months grows a new shoot, etc.,
while the old branches wait for two cycles to grow a shoot.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 number the shoot production cycles. After the first
cycle, the plant has one branch, after the second two, after the third three,
after the fourth five, after the fifth eight, after the sixth thirteen, etc.

The Fibonacci sequence can also be observed in bees, since there are al-
ways fewer drones than bees in a hive. Dividing the number of females by
the number of males, we would get a number representing the ratio between
the two adjacent members of the Fibonacci sequence, which is also the num-
ber Φ.

When we look in the mirror, we see the Fibonacci sequence. Our body is
made up of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5. We have one nose, two eyes, three seg-
ments of each limb and five fingers on each arm. Distance from the ground
to the navel of a person relates to the distance from the navel to the top of
the head in the golden ratio, which is the ancient ideal of beauty.

Nature has its laws and does not always have to follow mathematical pat-
terns, but it still happens with a certain frequency in nature. Different geo-
metric shapes can be observed in the living world. At workshops and train-
ings for primary school teachers, teachers have the opportunity to get ac-
quainted with different models from nature that illustrate the golden spiral or
that correspond to the Fibonacci sequence of numbers. By applying the rules
of the Fibonacci spiral, students can answer the questions why the leaves are

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