Page 136 - Zabukovec Baruca, Petra. 2020. Z odgovornostjo do družbenih spremembv smeri trajnostno odgovornega razvoja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 136

tions for the improvement. Besides that, the process is more and
more open place via the public responses, and this transparency
is enabled particularly by online media. Considering the responses
of the providers no radical approaches of the public were exposed,
like refusing to buy tourism products or other public pressures. This
proves that responsible consumers are more successful intermedi-
aries of gradual change on the market with their private responses,
compared to radical and extreme approaches. With the qualitative
research approach on the side of the hotel providers we furtherly
supported the hypothesis that the responsibility of consumers is re-
lated to the development of tourist services.

Based on the theoretical and empirical research findings of the
monography in the context of inclusive systemic, behavioural and
136 environmental theories we developed a baseline model for verifying
the context of the consumer’s responsibility in relation with the de-
velopment of tourist services. Through the systemic view, we shed
light on the role of the dynamic interaction between consumers and
providers in tourism and identified the effects of their mutuality and
capacity in promoting growth of the entire tourist system. The find-
ing that in the Slovene hotel management a sustainable offer still
has room for improvement, because environmental practices are
not yet enforced in line with expectations of active responsible con-
sumers, is a challenge at the environmental and socio-cultural level.
Responsibility in terms of response and behaviour by consumers is
the potential for improvement and development towards sustain-
able tourism.

With the monography we deepened the complexity of under-
standing the relations between the responsibility of the consumer
and the development of tourist offer and with the new findings we
redirected attention to the dynamics of the interdependency be-
tween consumers and providers in the direction of creating new
conditions for sustainable tourism development. The concept of re-
sponsibility at the level of the consumer and the provider has there-
fore been proven to be a key conduit between the decisions and
initiatives in direction of establishing a sustainable state of the envi-
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