Page 135 - Zabukovec Baruca, Petra. 2020. Z odgovornostjo do družbenih spremembv smeri trajnostno odgovornega razvoja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 135
Summary 135

between a certain practice and critical moment of social and cultural

In the second part of the monograph we verified, based on the new
theoretical knowledge of systemic, behavioural and environmental
theories, that the basic hypothesis that the responsibility of con-
sumers is related to the development of tourist services and com-
plemented the conceptual starting model of responsible behaviour
of consumers in tourism. In doing so, we leaned the concept of con-
sumer’s responsibility and influence on the development of tourist
services in the process of buying on the hotel industry and the sus-
tainable development model. This perspective allows us to exam-
ine the relationship between the responsibility of consumers and the
development of tourist services in a broad range of tourist services
from a holistic perspective of the consumer’s experience from the of-
fer and evaluation to the response, which gives rise to the improve-
ment and development of tourist services, which is the central chal-
lenge of the empirical part of the monography. The qualitative re-
search on the side of the hotel management we investigated the ori-
entation of providers in relation to responsible and sustainable de-
velopment and established a dominant marketing orientation in re-
lation to the consumer. Based on the summary of the findings of the
qualitative analysis we can conclude that tourism providers with the
systems of marketing set efforts to better understand the target con-
sumer groups, and in order to assure greater offer flexibility to con-
sumers they are getting directed to the market reality, accompanied
by transparency, rapid change and growing complexity. Monitoring
responses of guests from different sources allows the providers to
recognize needs and desires of the guests. On the basis of the re-
ceived information they introduce development improvements in
the hotel offer. Essential is the finding that for a creation of the added
value of the tourist offer the reactions of consumers should be taken
into account. Consumer reactions to the situation in the offer are
primarily reflected in the take-up of private initiatives, where they
express their views on the situation with suggestions and comments.
The qualitative research findings also confirm that a consumer’s re-
sponse on the environmental conditions in the offer are reflected
in taking private responsible initiatives of the consumers, who ex-
press their views directly to the hotel employees or the management
by pointing out their observations, suggestions and recommenda-
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