Page 134 - Zabukovec Baruca, Petra. 2020. Z odgovornostjo do družbenih spremembv smeri trajnostno odgovornega razvoja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 134

question of the links between the responsibility at the level of the
consumer in the tourism sector and with the positive changes in the
development of tourist offer. This raises the key research question of
how is the responsibility of consumers linked to the development of
tourist services. The conceptualization of the links between the fac-
tors of responsibility at the level of the individual and the possible
effects on the development of tourism supply is at an initial stage. If
this is applied on liability on the side of the development of tourist
services, it means that the tourist providers have to understand the
consumer’s conceptualization and interpretation of responsibility to
easily realize his expectations and on this basis act developmentally.
In the monography we theoretically defined responsibility, responsi-
ble tourism and a responsible tourist, who is aware of his own impact
134 on the natural, socio-cultural and economic environment, in which
he is getting a tourist experience, and in this line operates in a man-
ner that contributes to the sustainable development of tourism at a
higher quality level. We highlighted the theoretical ideas that shed
light on the complexity of the links of the discussed context of social
responsibility and environmental changes.

The structure of the monograph is divided into two parts. In the
first part the debate is taking place at the theoretical heuristic level
and focuses on the place of the concept of responsibility in social
and marketing theory and on identifying the reasons for the gaps
in the theory, allowing its (re)interpretation. Thus, in the mono-
graph we presented the interrelationship firstly through the systemic
structural theory, which assumes that individuals with their activity
cause shifts and changes in social structures during daily activities,
which is based on the assumption that operation of the individ-
ual changes structures in society, although the social structures also
have impact on the individual’s behaviour. At the forefront of our re-
search are the consumer and his behaviour, so we have through the
review of behavioural theories and models demonstrated his abil-
ity to affect changes. Responsibility is realized through behaviour
and responses, with which consumers show the impact strength
and pressure on potential reciprocal conduct by providers of tourist
services. Shifting the discussion to responses that go beyond estab-
lished practices is essential for behavioural change towards respon-
sibility. It turned out that attention should be focused on the rele-
vance of the favourable conditions and the role of the relationship
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