Page 277 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 277
Turizem iskanja korenin 277
Timothy, D. J. (2008). Genealogical mobility: Tourism and the Search for
a Personal Past. V D. J. Timothy in J. K. Guelke (ur.), Geography and
genealogy: Locating personal pasts (str. 115–135). Ashgate.
Timothy, D. J., in Boyd, S. W. (2003). Heritage tourism. Pearson Educati-
Timothy, D. J., in Guelke, J. K. (2008). Locating personal pasts: An intro-
duction. V D. J. Timothy in J. K. Guelke (ur.), Geography and genea-
logy: Locating personal pasts (str. 1–20). Ashgate.
Timothy, D. J., in Teye, V. B. (2004). American children of the African dia-
spora: Journeys to the motherland. V T. Coles in D. J. Timothy (ur.),
Tourism, diasporas and space (str. 111–123). Routledge.
World Tourism Organization. (2001). Thesaurus on tourism and leisure
activities: A structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving
information on tourism and leisure activities.
Zahvala vestfalskih Slovencev. (1927, 16. september). Slovenec, politicˇen
list za slovenski narod, 3.
Tudi iz Francije, Holandije in Westfalije so prišli. (1954). Rodna gruda,
1(5), 123.
Tudi letos skupinski obisk rojakov iz Argentine. (1971). Rodna gruda,
18(3), 15.
V narocˇju domovine. (1955). Rodna gruda, 2(8), 185.
Zelinsky, W. (2001). The enigma of ethnicity: Another American dilemma.
University of Iowa Press.
Združene države severne Amerike, Slovenski turistovski klub. (1932, ma-
rec). Izseljeniški vestnik, 6.
Timothy, D. J. (2008). Genealogical mobility: Tourism and the Search for
a Personal Past. V D. J. Timothy in J. K. Guelke (ur.), Geography and
genealogy: Locating personal pasts (str. 115–135). Ashgate.
Timothy, D. J., in Boyd, S. W. (2003). Heritage tourism. Pearson Educati-
Timothy, D. J., in Guelke, J. K. (2008). Locating personal pasts: An intro-
duction. V D. J. Timothy in J. K. Guelke (ur.), Geography and genea-
logy: Locating personal pasts (str. 1–20). Ashgate.
Timothy, D. J., in Teye, V. B. (2004). American children of the African dia-
spora: Journeys to the motherland. V T. Coles in D. J. Timothy (ur.),
Tourism, diasporas and space (str. 111–123). Routledge.
World Tourism Organization. (2001). Thesaurus on tourism and leisure
activities: A structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving
information on tourism and leisure activities.
Zahvala vestfalskih Slovencev. (1927, 16. september). Slovenec, politicˇen
list za slovenski narod, 3.
Tudi iz Francije, Holandije in Westfalije so prišli. (1954). Rodna gruda,
1(5), 123.
Tudi letos skupinski obisk rojakov iz Argentine. (1971). Rodna gruda,
18(3), 15.
V narocˇju domovine. (1955). Rodna gruda, 2(8), 185.
Zelinsky, W. (2001). The enigma of ethnicity: Another American dilemma.
University of Iowa Press.
Združene države severne Amerike, Slovenski turistovski klub. (1932, ma-
rec). Izseljeniški vestnik, 6.