Page 72 - Lesjak, Miha, Marijana Sikošek, Simon Kerma. Ur. 2020. Tematski turizem: teoretični in aplikativni primeru oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 72
Metod Šuligoj
Blom, T. (2000). Morbid tourism: A postmodern market niche with an
example from Althorp. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 54(1), 29–36.
Bristow, R. S., in Newman, M. (2005). Myth vs. fact: An exploration of fri-
ght tourism. V K. Bricker (ur.), Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern
Recreation Research Symposium, 215–221. us Department of Agricul-
Butcher, J. (2003). The moralisation of tourism: Sun, sand . . . and saving
the world? Routledge.
Causevic, S., in Lynch, P. (2011). Phoenix tourism: Post-conflict role. An-
nals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 780–800.
Clark, L. B. (2006). Placed and displaced: Trauma memorials. V L. Hill in
H. Paris (ur.), Performance and place (str. 129–138). Palgrave Macmil-
Drvenkar, N., Banožic´, M., in Živic´, D. (2015). Development of memorial
72 tourism as a new concept: Possibilities and restrictions. Tourism and
Hospitality Management, 21(1), 63–77.
Dunkley, R. A., Morgan, N., in Westwood, S. (2007). A shot in the dark?
Developing a new conceptual framework for thanatourism. Asian
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(1), 54–63.
Dunkley, R., Morgan, N., in Westwood, S. (2011). Visiting the trenches:
Exploring meanings and motivations in battlefield tourism. Tourism
Management, 32(4), 860–868.
Ðuraševic´, S. (2014). Thematic tourism as an important segment in the
business of modern tour operators. Turisticˇko poslovanje, 13, 109–117.
Fallon, P., in Robinson, P. (2016). ‘Lest we forget’: A veteran and son share
a ‘warfare tourism’ experience. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 12(1), 21–
Ferenc, M. (2012). Prekopi žrtev iz prikritih grobišcˇ (1991–2011). Znanstve-
na založba Filozofske fakultete.
Foley, M., in Lennon, J. J. (1996). jfk and dark tourism: A fascination with
assassination. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2(4), 198–211.
Fonseca, A. P., Seabra, C., in Silva, C. (2016). Dark tourism: Concepts,
typologies and sites. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 2,
Gibson, D. C. (2006). The relationship between serial murder and the
American tourism industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
20(1), 45–60.
Gosar, A., Koderman, M., in Rodela, M. (ur.). (2015). Dark tourism: Post-
wwi destinations of human tragedies and opportunities for tourism
development; Proceedings of the international workshop. University
of Primorska.
Hertzog, A. (2012). War battlefields, tourism and imagination. Via-Tour-
ism Review, 1.
Blom, T. (2000). Morbid tourism: A postmodern market niche with an
example from Althorp. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 54(1), 29–36.
Bristow, R. S., in Newman, M. (2005). Myth vs. fact: An exploration of fri-
ght tourism. V K. Bricker (ur.), Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern
Recreation Research Symposium, 215–221. us Department of Agricul-
Butcher, J. (2003). The moralisation of tourism: Sun, sand . . . and saving
the world? Routledge.
Causevic, S., in Lynch, P. (2011). Phoenix tourism: Post-conflict role. An-
nals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 780–800.
Clark, L. B. (2006). Placed and displaced: Trauma memorials. V L. Hill in
H. Paris (ur.), Performance and place (str. 129–138). Palgrave Macmil-
Drvenkar, N., Banožic´, M., in Živic´, D. (2015). Development of memorial
72 tourism as a new concept: Possibilities and restrictions. Tourism and
Hospitality Management, 21(1), 63–77.
Dunkley, R. A., Morgan, N., in Westwood, S. (2007). A shot in the dark?
Developing a new conceptual framework for thanatourism. Asian
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1(1), 54–63.
Dunkley, R., Morgan, N., in Westwood, S. (2011). Visiting the trenches:
Exploring meanings and motivations in battlefield tourism. Tourism
Management, 32(4), 860–868.
Ðuraševic´, S. (2014). Thematic tourism as an important segment in the
business of modern tour operators. Turisticˇko poslovanje, 13, 109–117.
Fallon, P., in Robinson, P. (2016). ‘Lest we forget’: A veteran and son share
a ‘warfare tourism’ experience. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 12(1), 21–
Ferenc, M. (2012). Prekopi žrtev iz prikritih grobišcˇ (1991–2011). Znanstve-
na založba Filozofske fakultete.
Foley, M., in Lennon, J. J. (1996). jfk and dark tourism: A fascination with
assassination. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2(4), 198–211.
Fonseca, A. P., Seabra, C., in Silva, C. (2016). Dark tourism: Concepts,
typologies and sites. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 2,
Gibson, D. C. (2006). The relationship between serial murder and the
American tourism industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
20(1), 45–60.
Gosar, A., Koderman, M., in Rodela, M. (ur.). (2015). Dark tourism: Post-
wwi destinations of human tragedies and opportunities for tourism
development; Proceedings of the international workshop. University
of Primorska.
Hertzog, A. (2012). War battlefields, tourism and imagination. Via-Tour-
ism Review, 1.