Page 267 - Pucihar, Ilonka. 2023. Moj prijatelj klavir za učitelje: koncepti, veščine in strategije pouka klavirja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 267
literatura in viri
Jacobson, J. M. (2015). Professional piano teaching, Vol. 2: A comprehensive pia-
no pedagogy textbook. Alfred Publishing.
Johnston, P. (2007). The practice revolution. PracticeSport Press.
Koutsoupidou, T., in Hargreaves, D. J. (2009). An experimental study of the
effects of improvisation on the development of children‘s creative thin-
king in music. Psychology of Music, 37(3), 251–278.
Leimer, K., in Gieseking, W. (1972). Piano technique. Dover Publications.
Levant, R. O. (2006). The anatomy of musicality. Samozaložba.
Lyke, J., Enoch, Y., in Haydon, G. (ur.) (1996). Creative piano teaching. Stipes
Mackworth-Young, L. (1990). Pupil-centred learning in piano lessons: An eva-
luated action-research programme focusing on the psychology of the in-
dividual. Psychology of Music, 18(1), 73–86.
Magrath, J. (1995). Pianists guide to standard teaching and performance litera-
ture. Alfred Publishing.
Marentič-Požarnik, B. (2000). Psihologija učenja in pouka. DZS.
Mark, T. (2003). What every pianist needs to know about the body. GIA
Mavrič, P. (2012). Od prvega tona do nastopa – metode učinkovitega vadenja
klavirske skladbe. Samozaložba.
McAllister, L. S. (2013). The balanced musician: Integrating mind and body for
peak performance. Scarecrow.
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport in Zavod RS za šol-
stvo. (2012). Posodobljen učni načrt. Klavir: obvezni predmet; 420 ur.
Monsour, S. (1996). Developmental characteristics of children. V J. Lyke,
Y. Enoch in G. Haydon (ur.), Creative piano teaching (str. 2–16). Stipes
Montandon, M. I. (1998). Trends in piano pedagogy as reflected by the procee-
dings of the National Conference on Piano Pedagogy (1981–1995) [neobja-
vljena doktorska disertacija]. University of Oklahoma.
Neuhaus, H. (2002). O umjetnosti sviranja klavira. ITG.
Olsen, A. (1998). BodyStories: A guide to experiental anatomy. University Press
of New England.
Paull, B., in Harrison, C. (1997). The athletic musician: A guide to playing witho-
ut pain. Scarecrow.
Petrat, N. (2001). Psychologie des Instrumentalunterricts. Bosse Verlag.
Jacobson, J. M. (2015). Professional piano teaching, Vol. 2: A comprehensive pia-
no pedagogy textbook. Alfred Publishing.
Johnston, P. (2007). The practice revolution. PracticeSport Press.
Koutsoupidou, T., in Hargreaves, D. J. (2009). An experimental study of the
effects of improvisation on the development of children‘s creative thin-
king in music. Psychology of Music, 37(3), 251–278.
Leimer, K., in Gieseking, W. (1972). Piano technique. Dover Publications.
Levant, R. O. (2006). The anatomy of musicality. Samozaložba.
Lyke, J., Enoch, Y., in Haydon, G. (ur.) (1996). Creative piano teaching. Stipes
Mackworth-Young, L. (1990). Pupil-centred learning in piano lessons: An eva-
luated action-research programme focusing on the psychology of the in-
dividual. Psychology of Music, 18(1), 73–86.
Magrath, J. (1995). Pianists guide to standard teaching and performance litera-
ture. Alfred Publishing.
Marentič-Požarnik, B. (2000). Psihologija učenja in pouka. DZS.
Mark, T. (2003). What every pianist needs to know about the body. GIA
Mavrič, P. (2012). Od prvega tona do nastopa – metode učinkovitega vadenja
klavirske skladbe. Samozaložba.
McAllister, L. S. (2013). The balanced musician: Integrating mind and body for
peak performance. Scarecrow.
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport in Zavod RS za šol-
stvo. (2012). Posodobljen učni načrt. Klavir: obvezni predmet; 420 ur.
Monsour, S. (1996). Developmental characteristics of children. V J. Lyke,
Y. Enoch in G. Haydon (ur.), Creative piano teaching (str. 2–16). Stipes
Montandon, M. I. (1998). Trends in piano pedagogy as reflected by the procee-
dings of the National Conference on Piano Pedagogy (1981–1995) [neobja-
vljena doktorska disertacija]. University of Oklahoma.
Neuhaus, H. (2002). O umjetnosti sviranja klavira. ITG.
Olsen, A. (1998). BodyStories: A guide to experiental anatomy. University Press
of New England.
Paull, B., in Harrison, C. (1997). The athletic musician: A guide to playing witho-
ut pain. Scarecrow.
Petrat, N. (2001). Psychologie des Instrumentalunterricts. Bosse Verlag.