Page 265 - Pucihar, Ilonka. 2023. Moj prijatelj klavir za učitelje: koncepti, veščine in strategije pouka klavirja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 265
Literatura in viri
Agay, D. (ur.). (2004). The art of teaching piano. Yorktown Music Press.
Bačlija Sušić, B. (2012). Functional music pedagogy in piano learning [neobjavl-
jena doktorska disertacija]. Univerza v Ljubljani.
Bailey, D. (2010). Improvizacija: njena narava in praksa v glasbi. LUD Šerpa.
Bainbridge Cohen, B. (2012). Sensing, feeling, and action: The experiential ana-
tomy of body-mind centering (3. izd.). Wesleyan University Press.
Baker-Jordan, M. (2004). Practical piano pedagogy: The definitive text for pia-
no teachers and pedagogy students. Warner Bros.
Berkowitz, A. L. (2010). The improvising mind. Oxford University Press.
Bruser, M. (1997). The art of practicing. Bell Tower.
Burr, W. R. (1990). Beyond I-statements in family communication. Family
Relations, 39(3), 266–273.
Campbell, P. S. (1991). Unveiling the mysteries of musical spontaneity. Music
Educators Journal, 78(4), 21–24.
Chang, C. C. (2009). Fundamentals of piano practice. Createspace Independent
Publishing Platform.
Chronister, R., in McBeth, T. (ur.). (1985). Proceedings: National Conference
on Piano Pedagogy, Columbus Conference, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, October 25–27, 1984. National Conference on Piano
Agay, D. (ur.). (2004). The art of teaching piano. Yorktown Music Press.
Bačlija Sušić, B. (2012). Functional music pedagogy in piano learning [neobjavl-
jena doktorska disertacija]. Univerza v Ljubljani.
Bailey, D. (2010). Improvizacija: njena narava in praksa v glasbi. LUD Šerpa.
Bainbridge Cohen, B. (2012). Sensing, feeling, and action: The experiential ana-
tomy of body-mind centering (3. izd.). Wesleyan University Press.
Baker-Jordan, M. (2004). Practical piano pedagogy: The definitive text for pia-
no teachers and pedagogy students. Warner Bros.
Berkowitz, A. L. (2010). The improvising mind. Oxford University Press.
Bruser, M. (1997). The art of practicing. Bell Tower.
Burr, W. R. (1990). Beyond I-statements in family communication. Family
Relations, 39(3), 266–273.
Campbell, P. S. (1991). Unveiling the mysteries of musical spontaneity. Music
Educators Journal, 78(4), 21–24.
Chang, C. C. (2009). Fundamentals of piano practice. Createspace Independent
Publishing Platform.
Chronister, R., in McBeth, T. (ur.). (1985). Proceedings: National Conference
on Piano Pedagogy, Columbus Conference, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, October 25–27, 1984. National Conference on Piano