Page 103 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 103
hods of hygiene of urinary catheters for reuse in the home psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly

Tjaša Hrovat Ferfolja, Melita Peršolja
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia

Introduction. Intermittent catheterization is a common procedure of self-con-
trol of bladder emptying when spontaneous urination is not possible. It is of-
ten performed in a clean manner using disposable or reusable catheters. Care
for cleanliness and disinfection and consequent safety for the patient is essen-
tial for repeated use. Namely, the re-use of catheters can pose a potential risk
of colonization with microorganisms and lower safety of these catheters com-
pared to single-use ones. In practice, various instructions for catheter hygiene
can be found. The aim of the research was to review the literature in the field
of hygiene of urinary catheters for reuse in the home environment.
Methods. A literature review was performed. Search terms were (in Sloveni-
an and English): bladder, intermittent catheterization, catheter surface, urinary
tract infections, home environment, which were classified into a four - step lit-
erature search strategy - PICO. A logical operator (AND) and combinations
of different search terms and their synonyms and superlatives were used. We
limited the search to English and Slovenian. We did not use other restrictions,
as there were few hits. A literature review was conducted in November 2020.
Results. By systematically searching the literature in various databases rele-
vant to the field of nursing (PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library), we iden-
tified 2893 potentially relevant hits. After filtration, only 7 hits proved to be
adequate. With an additional search, we found 2 more hits and both were al-
so included in the survey. In total, we analyzed 9 papers, namely: 2 literature
reviews, one of which was systematic; 5 experimental studies and 2 expert pa-
pers. The quality of the research was assessed using the CASP tool.
Discussion and conclusion. In the literature we find different methods of hygiene
of reusable catheters at home: disinfectant soap and water, alcohol, aseptic
solutions (chlorhexidine, cetremide), microwave sterilization, rinsing with wa-
ter only and combinations of all these methods. For occasional disinfection of
the device, the use of sodium hypochloride, varicine diluted with water in a ra-
tio of 1: 4, hydrogen peroxide 0.6 %, betadine diluted with water in a ratio of
1: 2, benzethonium chloride (0.02 - 0.05 %) with sterile glycerin, soaking in 1:
100 saline solution (chlorhexidine 1.5 % and cetrimide 15 %). In practice, natu-
ral agents that have an anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect,
such as e.g. white wine, 50 % vinegar, sage or juniper berries. However, there is
insufficient convincing evidence in the literature to recommend to patients the
optimal method of catheter cleaning for reuse in the home environment. Most
of the available literature is poorly methodologically designed. Given the un-
certainties surrounding the hygiene of reusable catheters, they should not be
the primary choice of patients.
Keywords: bladder, intermittent catheterization, catheter surface, urinary tract
infections, home environment

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