Page 99 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 99
e programs in support of vulnerable families of all generations psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
Nataša Demšar Pečak
The Family Study and Research Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction and purpose. With this article, we want to emphasize the impor-
tance of free programs in empowering vulnerable groups in seeking psychoso-
cial help and support. The purpose of this paper is to address the importance
of a network of different programs to support family members of all genera-
tions and individuals in need who are facing various life trials and challenges and
in need of professional help.
Content presentation. A major problem can be identified in the area of long wait-
ing periods for unpaid, psychosocial services, as well as poor information about
the availability of psychosocial programs to help vulnerable families. This leads
to stratification, namely, only financially stronger families and individuals can af-
ford paid services. Through these programs, the state wants to reach vulner-
able groups and reduce inequalities in access to such services. In this article,
we will present free programs for vulnerable target groups, which offer various
forms of help and support, as well as awareness of the possibilities of their in-
clusion. The programs are designed for individual areas or individual vulnerable
target groups and are funded by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and
Equal Opportunities. Every year, the competent ministry co-finances around
170 different social protection programs, which are intended to prevent and
solve the social hardships of individual vulnerable groups of the population and,
in certain cases, to maintain an acceptable social status of individuals. They
are implemented mainly by non-governmental organizations, exceptionally al-
so public social welfare institutions, and represent a supplement or alternative
to social welfare services and are co-financed through public tenders. As part
of social welfare programs, a network of programs for the elderly at risk of so-
cial exclusion or in need of support and assistance in daily life has been set up,
including other assistance programs for the elderly in need, as well as support
for their relatives. Also within the funds of the Operational Program for the Im-
plementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020, the com-
petent ministry co-finances fifteen Multigenerational Centers, which are mean-
ingfully supplemented with the contents of these programs and are intended to
inform, socialize, raise awareness, advise and educate all generations and pre-
venting the social exclusion of vulnerable groups.
Conclusions. The purpose of various programs is also to raise awareness and in-
form family members about the importance of good and healthy family rela-
tionships, as positive communication and understanding between generations
or intergenerational dialogue is a way to better interpersonal relationships and
change symptomatic patterns of behavior. It can be mentioned that in the last
year, for the sake of a pandemic, many families face traumatic events and loss-
es, such as loss of social and economic security, loss of health, and even loss of
a loved one, which is especially true for the elderly.
Keywords: free programs, elderly, multigenerational centers

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