Page 234 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 234
ja Tatalović Vorkapić and Lana Osojnak

results. In exercise 7, in the second measuring, 13 children of the experimental
group made progress, while, in the first measuring, no one achieved results.
Five children showed better results as opposed to the first measuring, where,
in the same exercise, children achieved no results. In exercise 8 (‘a child gets
off from the peanut-shaped therapy ball onto the floor and makes 6 to 8
steps on his hands’), while examining certain behavior of the same group
children, eight of them showed better results as opposed to the first measur-
ing, where, in the same exercise, children achieved no results. In the activity
balance board, in exercise 2 (‘a child is standing on the balance board by him-
self’), in the second measuring, 12 children of the group managed to ‘stand
on their feet on the balance board by themselves,’ while, in the first measur-
ing, none of the 17 children managed to do that. In the second measuring,
twelve children managed to ‘stand on their feet on the balance board with-
out holding onto the wall,’ while in the first measuring, 14 children could do
that. The activity funnel spinning has shown the biggest progress among the
children of this group in exercise 2 (‘a child is using the funnel according to
direction’) and 3 (‘a child is inside of the funnel for 1 minute’), in the second
measuring, in which all of the 17 children ‘used the funnel according to direc-
tion,’ and the same number of children were inside of the funnel for 1 minute.
In the same exercises (2 and 3), in the first measuring, 14 children of the ex-
perimental group did not achieve any results. In exercise 4 (‘a child is inside of
the funnel over 1 minute’), six children made progress in the second measur-
ing as opposed to the first measuring where, in the same exercise, children
achieved no results. In the activity balancing pad, the children of this group
showed significantly better results in the second measuring in exercises 2, 3,
and 4. In exercises 3 (‘a child is holding onto the balancing pad with his hands
and is alternately lifting his left then right leg’) and 4 (‘a child is lying on his
stomach on the balancing pad with his arms and legs raised above the floor
(‘a plain’), 16 of the 17 children performed the specified tasks. In the first mea-
suring in exercise 3, 13 children did not achieve any progress, while in exercise
4, in the first measuring, 16 children did not achieve any results. In the activity
platform swing, in the second measuring, in which 17 children participated, 16
of them did not achieve any results in exercise 3 (‘a child is rocking in a swing
lying on his back’) and 4 (‘a child is spinning in the swing’). In the first mea-
suring, 13 children achieved no results in exercise 3, while 16 children made
no results in exercise 4. In the activity obstacle course, progress was recorded
in exercise 5 (‘obstacle course – walking backwards around peanuts’) and 6
(‘backwards obstacle course – jumping backwards in hoops’). In exercise 5,
thirteen children in the second measuring achieved the task, while, in the first

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