Page 236 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 236
ja Tatalović Vorkapić and Lana Osojnak

children from the experimental group. In the activity balance board, in exer-
cise 3 (‘a child is standing on the balance board while holding onto the wall’),
in the second measuring in the control group, 12 children stood on the bal-
ance board while holding onto the wall, while in the same exercise, in the
experimental group of children, the same number of children (12) stood on
the balance board by themselves. Almost the same results were achieved in
the first and second measuring in all the exercises of the activity funnel spin-
ning. In the activity balancing pad, 10 children achieved results in exercise 3
(‘a child is holding onto the balancing pad with his hands and is alternately
lifting his left and then his right leg’) in the second measuring, while only one
child has achieved results in the first measuring in the same exercise. In the
activity platform swing, the children achieved almost the same results in all
of the exercises. In the activity obstacle course, the children achieved small
progress in exercises 1 and 2, while in the other exercises, they achieved al-
most the same results in the first and second measurement. In the activity
walking and climbing on slopes and substrates, the children achieved small
progress in the second measurement, in exercises 4 (‘walking on the sensory
tactile path with three different substrates without holding onto something
and picking items off the floor’) and 6 (‘climbing up and down the spongy
stairs-walking’), while they achieved almost the same results in the first and
second measuring in other activities. In the activity lifting and carrying, they
achieved almost the same results as in first and second measuring, and in the
activity pushing, they achieved small progress in exercise 2 (‘pushing a 5 kg
box with your feet’).

Differences between the Experimental and Control Group in two
Measurements Regarding the Applications of Sensory Stimulation
Two statistical analyses were conducted with the aim of determining possi-
ble differences in children’s psychomotor abilities. The Mann-Whitney (inde-
pendent samples) test was applied to test the differences between the ex-
perimental and control group, separately for the first and second measure-
ment., while the Wilcoxon test (dependent samples) was conducted to test
the differences within the same group (separately for experimental and con-
trol) regarding the first and second measurement.

Experimental group – two measurements. Neither the children from the
control nor from the experimental group had used the specified sensory-
motoric gadgetry before the testing. After implementing the sensory-motor-
ic activities, children from the experimental group (N = 17) were able to use
the sensory-motoric gadgetry and devices on a daily basis. The statistically

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