Page 177 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 177
The Centre for Slovene Language and Culture was established in 2007 as an organ-
izational unit of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of
Primorska. Due to an increased number of admissions of foreign students to the
University of Primorska, the Centre plays a key role in teaching and giving exams in
Slovene as a foreign language.
The Centre’s main activities are:
- organizing year-round courses and short courses in Slovene for foreign stu-
dents and exchange students; and
- organizing summer courses in Slovene on the Slovene coast “Hallo, this the
Slovene Mediterranean!” which are presented below.
“Hello, this is the Slovene Mediterranean!”
The two-week summer school of Slovene Hallo, this is the Slovene Mediterranean was
first organized in 1994 and still attracts many students from all over the world. The
courses are designed for all who would like to learn the Slovene, both complete be-
ginners and those who already master the basics and wish to further improve their
knowledge, so they are organized on different levels of knowledge (initial, interme-
diate, and advanced). Morning lectures are complemented by additional afternoon
assistance provided by Slovene students. In the evening, a wide variety of work-
shops are organized for the participants, where they learn more about Slovene cul-
ture, literature, cuisine, film etc. An all-day fieldtrip is also organized, where partic-
ipants visit some beautiful Slovene towns and attractions and learn about cultural
heritage. Throughout these years we have successfully combined the pleasant with
the useful — learning Slovene while being on a two-week holiday by the sea.
Slovene language for foreign students
The Centre organizes free lectures of Slovene for foreign students studying at
the University of Primorska. Lectures are conducted in the form of an accredited
course Slovene as a second/foreign language (at levels A1-B1). The implementation of
The Centre for Slovene Language and Culture was established in 2007 as an organ-
izational unit of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of
Primorska. Due to an increased number of admissions of foreign students to the
University of Primorska, the Centre plays a key role in teaching and giving exams in
Slovene as a foreign language.
The Centre’s main activities are:
- organizing year-round courses and short courses in Slovene for foreign stu-
dents and exchange students; and
- organizing summer courses in Slovene on the Slovene coast “Hallo, this the
Slovene Mediterranean!” which are presented below.
“Hello, this is the Slovene Mediterranean!”
The two-week summer school of Slovene Hallo, this is the Slovene Mediterranean was
first organized in 1994 and still attracts many students from all over the world. The
courses are designed for all who would like to learn the Slovene, both complete be-
ginners and those who already master the basics and wish to further improve their
knowledge, so they are organized on different levels of knowledge (initial, interme-
diate, and advanced). Morning lectures are complemented by additional afternoon
assistance provided by Slovene students. In the evening, a wide variety of work-
shops are organized for the participants, where they learn more about Slovene cul-
ture, literature, cuisine, film etc. An all-day fieldtrip is also organized, where partic-
ipants visit some beautiful Slovene towns and attractions and learn about cultural
heritage. Throughout these years we have successfully combined the pleasant with
the useful — learning Slovene while being on a two-week holiday by the sea.
Slovene language for foreign students
The Centre organizes free lectures of Slovene for foreign students studying at
the University of Primorska. Lectures are conducted in the form of an accredited
course Slovene as a second/foreign language (at levels A1-B1). The implementation of