Page 178 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 178
6. Summer courses of Slovene “Hallo, this is the Slovene Mediterranean!”, 2019.
Source: Department of Slovene studies.
the course Slovene language as a second/foreign language at the UP is extremely im-
portant since foreign students registered in study programmes with Slovene as the
language of instruction are required to take it in their 2nd year, while students ben-
efiting the Year plus program must reach at least 6 ECTS credits in Slovene language.
From a linguistic point of view, students are divided into language groups (1. Non-
Slavic, 2. Macedonians, 3. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and Montenegrins — togeth-
er because of the kinship of their languages). Since low in number, Russians and
Ukrainians are joined to the Macedonian group. Content-wise, students are divid-
ed according to their faculties, so they are easily acquainted with their study pro-
grammes. Erasmus students have a separate group since besides learning Slovene
the emphasis is also on comparing the different cultures they come from.
Assist. Prof. Klara Šumenjak PhD, Centre Manager
Source: Department of Slovene studies.
the course Slovene language as a second/foreign language at the UP is extremely im-
portant since foreign students registered in study programmes with Slovene as the
language of instruction are required to take it in their 2nd year, while students ben-
efiting the Year plus program must reach at least 6 ECTS credits in Slovene language.
From a linguistic point of view, students are divided into language groups (1. Non-
Slavic, 2. Macedonians, 3. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and Montenegrins — togeth-
er because of the kinship of their languages). Since low in number, Russians and
Ukrainians are joined to the Macedonian group. Content-wise, students are divid-
ed according to their faculties, so they are easily acquainted with their study pro-
grammes. Erasmus students have a separate group since besides learning Slovene
the emphasis is also on comparing the different cultures they come from.
Assist. Prof. Klara Šumenjak PhD, Centre Manager