Page 128 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 128
ja Krajnčan in Katja Frangež

epidemic had consequences for everyone. It affected both teachers and stu-
dents, and among the students, the impact on the students in lower elemen-
tary education and vulnerable groups of children was the greatest.

The second goal required research of the vulnerable groups of children.
These were given a special place in the questionnaire and a special set of
statements, the analysis of which showed that this diverse group of children
was more exposed to the impacts and consequences of the measures to con-
tain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic compared to their peers. Namely,
vulnerable groups of children have certain deficits, obstacles or disorders
which require a different approach, adapted working methods, adapted aids
and an individual approach or treatment. The emergence of the virus and
the closure of schools was thus an additional aggravating circumstance for
them, pushing them into an even more unequal position with their peers and
increasing the divide between equal opportunities.

In our third goal, we focused only on the providers of additional profes-
sional assistance. We were interested in the problems and challenges they
faced during distance learning. Based on a review of the literature, we hy-
pothesized that the outstanding problems were related to children’s moti-
vation, which our data analysis also confirmed. Among all the problems, the
lack of students’ motivation stood out the most, while there were also prob-
lems with non-participation of students in classes and activities, lack of per-
sonal contact, problems with technology, and others.

The situation with the measures and the consequent change in the way of
life led to changes in the work of additional professional assistance providers.
For the fourth goal, we thus explored the changes introduced during dis-
tance learning. We were interested in the changes in the manner of conduct-
ing additional professional assistance sessions and in teaching preparation.
Communication with students was mostly conducted through video calls,
and for the most part, lesson preparations were quite different from the usual
preparations for classes conducted at school. The method of preparing ma-
terial was also different: didactic materials had to be replaced and emphasis
was placed on key contents and activities.

In the last, fifth goal, we tried to investigate the implementation of addi-
tional professional assistance sessions at school and online in more detail, to
find out the similarities and differences. We obtained a good amount of data,
but not concrete enough to be able to make a final conclusion regarding the
comparison. Above all, additional professional assistance providers had to
be very flexible and empathetic to be able to perceive the current needs of
children and respond to them in a timely and appropriate manner, as well as

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