Page 249 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 249
Social and Emotional Aspects of the Implementation of the Pedagogical Process

For me, online is a better way because the questions and answers are
direct and specific without unnecessary dilution. (Respondent 10, BiH)

It is easier for me to communicate remotely (over the phone) than live.
(Respondent 33, Slovenia)

Communication, interaction and cooperation in the online environment
had both an objective and a subjective dimension. The objective is reflected
in the specifics of online communication where it is necessary to further en-
courage students to activity (Bao 2020), to model teaching so that students
can express themselves using various online means and by finding new ways
of virtual communication. Also, it was noticed that the combination of on-
line and live teaching reduces the negative tendencies of online teaching
in the direction of cooperation and interaction of all participants in the ed-
ucational process. Namely, students who already know each other in a real
environment found it easier to establish contact in the online environment.
The subjective dimension is reflected in the differences in the functioning
of individuals in the virtual social environment. Students coped differently
during online communication due to differently developed social compe-
tencies, preferences and other personal characteristics. Therefore, it would
be desirable to consider the individualized approach in order to facilitate the
integration of all individuals into the social environment (Šindić 2021, 58–60)
relocated to the online space.

Our qualitative study confirms the results of numerous studies of the socio-
emotional learning environment at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
which indicates its impoverishment and shortcomings in relation to live
teaching. Separate interdependent categories indicate that students per-
ceive ‘a more unpleasant emotional experience, lower satisfaction with on-
line teaching and weaker communication, interaction and cooperation dur-
ing online teaching.’ It is noticed that the category related to ‘emotional ex-
perience and satisfaction with online teaching’ is more inadequate than the
category related to ‘communication, interaction and cooperation during on-
line teaching.’ While students express more dissatisfaction and unpleasant
emotions that accompany an online class, the situation is somewhat better
on the social level. Paying attention to the repetitive statements in the stu-
dents’ answers, the drop in motivation stands out as the biggest problem
of such organized teaching, and students most often associate it with their

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