Page 411 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 411
Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment

in mind that the target group of our study consisted of future teachers and
educators, who are still facing additional requirements for better didactic and
pedagogical skills in the online environment, research of this type will be use-

Theoretical framework
Recent researches indicate a number of shortcomings and some mitigating
circumstances in the implementation of online teaching. In the presentation
that follows, we will address the most common difficulties faced by students
during online teaching under pandemic conditions. Many university teach-
ers faced new circumstances that required additional knowledge and skills,
but also a lot of time spent on the preparation and realization of teaching.

One of the problems or challenges for university teachers was insufficient
training, i.e. the feeling of incompetence in using online platforms and learn-
ing tools (Gomez Recio and Colella 2020). The results of a Russian study that
analysed the response of university teachers in Russia highlighted the main
challenges teachers faced during the pandemic: low computer literacy, inad-
equate electronic environment and support, and unwillingness of academic
staff and students to learn online (Almazova et al. 2020). The same study
shows that the last two stand out as the most important for the implementa-
tion of effective distance education. Teachers’ experience shows that their
methodological work in the digital environment differs significantly from
conventional teaching methods and that the preparation of online classes
required much more time (Almazova et al. 2020). Under external pressure,
many teachers quickly but unsystematically developed their digital compe-
tencies in order to organize communication with students, without adequate
training in their use.

The biggest challenge for all teachers (not only university ones) was the
lack of adequate pedagogical and methodological knowledge that is nec-
essary for the implementation of online teaching. In addition to good com-
mand of appropriate platforms and tools, such knowledge also includes the
expertise in the pedagogical foundations and principles needed to design
and enable meaningful online learning. Mere replication of classroom teach-
ing is often not possible online and may even result in inadequate learning
outcomes The qualitative analysis of individual studies’ indicators has shown
that, from the perception of teachers, the obstructing factors for the success-
ful implementation of online teaching include the following: their lack of ex-
perience in online teaching, separation from students (lack of contact with
them) and unsatisfactory results for students (Ðorić 2021). Also, the social di-

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