Page 410 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 410
ija Zlatić, Jelena Stamatović, and Mirjana Stakić

zation of the teaching process in all educational institutions. Due to its char-
acteristics, the educational system posed a great health risk, considering the
direct contacts of a large number of teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils
and students.

In the first months of the pandemic crisis, from March 2020, unique solu-
tions were adopted in different countries in the field of education, and those
included online teaching. These measures were implemented in all higher
education institutions. The data show that about 90 of all pupils and stu-
dents in the world were affected by the closure of educational institutions in
order to prevent further spread of the virus (Börk-Huffer et al. 2021; de Boer
2021). The Republic of Serbia was not exempted from these measures. Higher
education institutions in our country switched to online teaching from the
second half of March 2020, and in the summer semester of the academic
year 2021/2022, they gradually (depending on the faculty) returned to direct
teaching in the classroom.

However, the degrees and ways of adapting university teaching to the new
situation were uneven, not only among different countries, but also at the
level of the same country and the same university. At one end of the contin-
uum, there are higher education institutions for which the use of digital plat-
forms and tools has been a regular practice, and at the other end of the con-
tinuum, there are institutions for which the implementation of online teach-
ing was completely unknown. Although there are obvious differences in the
adaptation of different higher education institutions to online teaching, what
they have in common is that universities mostly worked under a regime of
urgent transformation of the educational process to an online environment.
Rapid adaptation to this way of work has left no room for the systematic pro-
motion, preparation and introduction of such online education in pandemic
conditions. Sometimes the transition was not easy, since it required design-
ing and preparing learning materials, as well as the skill of interaction be-
tween teacher-student and student-student (Gomez Recio and Colella 2020).
Both teachers and students had to learn to use a range of digital tools with-
out prior training.

Adapting higher education institutions to the current pandemic involved
three different models: teaching at the faculty with increased epidemiolog-
ical measures (e.g. physical distancing), creating hybrid models (blended
learning, limited number of students), or switching to online teaching (de
Boer 2021).

Therefore, it is important to examine the advantages, disadvantages and
limitations of online teaching and learning in pandemic conditions. Bearing

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