Page 63 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 63
obile Learning of Language
for Specific Purposes: From Course
Design to User Testing

Lucia Načinović Prskalo
University of Rijeka, Croatia

Vanja Slavuj
University of Rijeka, Croatia

Marija Brkić Bakarić
University of Rijeka, Croatia

This chapter presents the whole process of learning a language for specific
purposes (ls p) on a mobile device. First, a general approach to developing
an lsp course for the mobile context is described. Then, the web and mobile
applications developed for this purpose are presented. The proposed learn-
ing approach is thoroughly evaluated through unmoderated remote usabil-
ity testing of the mobile app conducted over a period of one month. Follow-
ing the testing phase, an extensive anonymous questionnaire is completed,
which includes sections on user demographics, user experience with the mo-
bile app, specifics of the learning approach, and language-specific user ex-
perience. Finally, the answers to the questionnaire are analysed and a con-
clusion is drawn.
Keywords: language learning application, mobile application, language learn-
ing, computer assisted language learning, language for specific purposes,
mobile learning

This chapter describes the procedures for developing a language learning
application resulting from the eu-funded Language Guidance Tool for Im-
proving Language Knowledge (LanGuide),¹ and explains how the applica-

¹ The project involved six universities from five different countries. The coordinating insti-
tution was the Faculty of Humanities (f h s) at the University of Primorska (u p) in Slove-
nia, while the partner institutions were the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering
(i dt) at Mälardalen University (ma) in Sweden, the Department of Computing Systems at

Čebron, N., Cergol Gabrovec, J., & Romanowski, P. (Eds.). (2022). LanGuide
project: Research and professional insights. University of Primorska Press.
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