Page 59 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 59
What Kind of l s p Does LanGuide Propose?

modify their learning experience, resulting in increasing their acquisition
autonomy. All these aspects were well comprehended and implemented
by the authors of the LanGuide mobile application, since it effectively ad-
dresses all of these problems, as detailed in the sections above.

However, in addition to mentioning the advantages of using c all, be-
ing culturally educated from both a psychological and an affective stand-
point must nowadays be incorporated into the process of designing foreign
language exercises. And there is also motivation to consider, as it was one
of Harmer’s (1991) foci, when he stated that a different language appeals
more to those who desire to be a part of its users’ society, as they are ‘more
attracted to the culture of the target language community’ (Harmer, 1991,
p. 4), thus prompting what Gardner and Lambert (1972) had named ‘inte-
grative motivation.’

Summarising the main aspects tackled by the present chapter, it would
be worth casting an eye over the theories regarding e s p, c a l l and ‘cul-
turacy,’ but most of all at the connections that the present project enabled
to be created among them, by means of the LanGuide mobile application.
Thus, the conclusions would focus on the researchers’ authentic illustra-
tions and pinpoint how language can adapt to the needs of a sometimes-
complex reality, such as that of trainees, instructors, and members of the
administrative staff who want to gain knowledge or improve their English
in order to participate in various Erasmus+ mobility initiatives, while also
trying to become familiar with the language of the host country.


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