Page 52 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 52
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 52 was investigated. One of the cremation graves included oljenkah z upodobitvijo rimskih steklarskih peči iz Hr-
an excellently preserved clay oil lamp with a representa- vaške (Benkovac) in Italije (Ferrara).
tion of a glass furnace. The motif is the same as that on Novo odkrita oljenka ima disk okrašen z reliefom, ki
the only two other oil lamps depicting a glass furnace prikazuje steklarsko peč, desno in levo od nje pa sta ste-
known so far, from Asseria (modern Benkovac, Croatia) klarja, eden piha v steklarsko pipo, drugi mu pomaga ob
and Ferrara (in Italy). peči. Upodobitev je zelo dobro ohranjena, številni detaj-
The new oil lamp has a disc decorated with a relief show- li, ki na ostalih dveh oljenkah niso natančno prepoznav-
ing a glass furnace and to the left and right of it a glass ni, so na njej jasno vidni. V središču je peč, deljena na dva
worker, one of whom is engaged in blowing while the dela. Spodnji služi kot kurišče, odprtina je poudarjena
other assists at the furnace. The representation is excel- s poševnimi linijami. Gornji del peči ima večjo odprti-
lent and very well preserved so that many details which no polkrožne oblike. Uporabljali so jo za zajemanje sta-
are blurred in the other two lamps can be seen clearly. ljenega stekla iz talilnikov v peči. Sredi odprtine je upo-
In the centre is the furnace, divided into two sections. dobljen narobe obrnjen predmet oblike V. Morda gre za
The lower one obviously serves as a stoke hole; the open- shematičen prikaz zaslona odprtine v peči, ki so ga upo-
ing is hatched diagonally. The upper section of the fur- rabljali med delom oz. pihanjem. Na levi in desni strani
nace has a larger aperture, of semi-circular form. This gornjega dela sta dve polički oz. delovni površini. Desna
was used for scooping molten glass out of the melting bi lahko bila namenjena valjanju stekla na pipi v proce-
pot. Inside the relief line surrounding the upper open- su dela.
ing or door appears a V-shaped object turned upside Desna figura sedi na nizkem stolčku ob peči, oblečena je
down. Possibly this schematic sketch draws attention to v kratko tuniko. Glavo ima dvignjeno in pripravljeno za
the working port’s small door or fireguard which closed pihanje v pipo, ki jo drži pred seboj. Figura na levi strani
the working port while work was in progress. On the left peči verjetno ob slednji čepi. V roki ima predmet, obr-
and right in the upper part, two small shelves or work- njen navpično. Morda preverja izdelano posodo, ki jo je
ing surfaces are shown. The right one can be interpreted vzela iz prostora za ohlajanje.
as the working surface or slab on which the glassblow- Oljenka iz Slovenije, ki je bila najdena v grobu, je naj-
er rolled a glass post. The right-hand figure sits on a low bolje ohranjena med tremi do sedaj poznanimi najdba-
stool beside the furnace, dressed in a short tunic. The mi. Glede na sestavo groba in priložene pridatke, lahko
person‘s head is raised and ready to blow into the pipe grob z oljenko umestimo v sredino 1. stol.
which he holds inclined in front of him. The figure on
the left side of the furnace seems to be squatting next to
the furnace. He has a short object in his hands, placed
upright. Perhaps he is checking the finished object that
he took out of the annealing oven.
The oil lamp from the grave in Slovenia is by far the best
preserved of all three lamps. Considering the compo-
sition and extent of the grave goods, this grave can be
placed in the mid-1st century.


V letih 2002 in 2003 so v Spodnjih Škofijah pri Kopru
potekale arheološke raziskave na najdišču Križišče. Ob
rimski cesti (via Flavia Tergeste–Pola) so odkrili del rim-
skega grobišča. V enem od grobov je bila priložena od-
lično ohranjena oljenka z reliefom steklarske peči. Mo-
tiv je povsem enak kot na ostalih dveh do sedaj poznanih
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