Page 50 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 50
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 50 Figure 19: Drawing of the oil lamp from gr. 3 (drawing Jerneja Kobe).
Slika 19: Risba oljenke iz groba 3 (risba Jerneja Kobe).

the bellows are not necessary. The desired heat placement of the air vent (infundibulum), which
in the furnace for melting and blowing can be is on the lower side of the disk in the find from
achieved with proper stocking.3 Therefore it is Benkovac, more precisely on the lower part of
also possible, that the assistant on the left side of the furnace (figure/slika 20), while on the lamps
the furnace is only checking the finished object, from Ferrara and Slovenia, the small hole is be-
which he took out of the annealing oven. low the blowpipe, on the right upper side of the
relief. Probably we may assume that at least the
There is no inscription or name on the up- two lamps from Italy and Spodnje Škofije were
per part of the disk, as on the oil lamp from As- made in the same mould since their individual
seria (Abramić 1959, 150, Taf. 27; Buljević 2005, details are identical as well as their length (Fer-
100, sl. 8) where we read the names of ATHE- rara 11.5 cm, Spodnje Škofije 11.3 cm; Benkovac
NIO and TRE(A?)LLUS above the furnace. The 10.5 cm). The relief on the lamp from Ferrara (fig-
names were part of the mould and not added af- ure/slika 21) is too worn and the right side is not
ter the firing.4 On the lamp from Slovenia a letter preserved for all other details to be compared.
‘A’ is scratched on the underside of the lamp. The
same letter is scratched also on the remains of The grave in which the lamp was found pro-
the second lamp in the grave (Novšak, Bekljanov duced also some glass objects. Fragments of four
Zidanšek, and Žerjal 2019, 171, no. 26). It would balsamaria were discovered (Lazar 2005a, 18,
be too bold even to think to associate this letter fig. 4; Novšak, Bekljanov Zidanšek, and Žerjal
with the name on the oil lamp from Benkovac. 2019, 166–75). They were blown from the glass
of a slightly bluish hue, well produced, without
The oil lamp from the grave in Slovenia is by air bubbles, and with relatively thick walls. Of
far the best preserved of all three lamps. The re- three balsamaria only slightly rounded bases are
lief is very well executed, crisp and not damaged. preserved. Their forms agree with those of tu-
The relief scenes on the lamps differ only in the bular-shaped balsamaria (the form 8.6.1.; Lazar
2003a, 175) that were characteristic of the 1st and
3 Pers. comm. David Hill and Mark Taylor; www.roman- the first half of the 2nd century. One balsamarium was preserved up to half its height. It is a tubu-

4 Pers. information by Zrinka Buljević from the Archaeolo-
gical Museum Split.
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