Page 54 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 54
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 54 Figure 22: Fragments of raw glass, glass waste and glass fragments for recycling, Celje, Levstikova Street
(photo: Irena Lazar).

Slika 22: Odlomki surovega stekla, steklarskih odpadkov in stekla za reciklažo, Celje, Levstikova ulica
(foto: Irena Lazar).

glass ingots were used for melting and blowing. eral beakers confirm the use of metal rods – pon-
The pieces of decolourised raw glass were smaller tils – in addition to the blowing pipe.
and some of them have a yellowish tinge.
The waste of deformed glass products on
Some fragments of raw glass had the re- the site included many fragments of cylindri-
mains of clay on the surface which led us to the cal beakers of decolourised glass (Lazar 2003a,
conclusion that these are the rest of the melting forms 3.6.1.–2.), which were almost certainly
pots. produced in this workshop. Comparative mate-
rial was excavated in 1995 at the site of a Roman
Various waste in the form of drops, threads, tile factory operating in the second half of the
and chips of melted glass show that at this site 2nd century (Lazar 2006c, 70, 75, nos. 8–11). The
glass was melted, its viscosity was tested, and it market of the glass makers from Celeia thus ex-
was worked. Direct evidence for blowing and the tended all over the municipal territory.
manufacture of glass vessels are the remains of
poorly worked and rejected vessels, handles, and Fragments of violet-coloured vessels are also
rods of bent glass (Lazar 2003a, fig. 57: 4, 5, 7) very interesting (PMC, inv. no. R 21562–65).
from which the handles of vessels were formed. This colour is created by adding manganese ox-
Pontil marks on the bases of balsamaria and sev- ides to the glass. Roman glass workers also used
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