Page 53 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 53
an Glass Production in Celeia (Noricum)
– New Evidence

Rimska proizvodnja stekla v Celeji (Norik)
– novi dokazi

Izvleček 53
Dokazi o steklarski proizvodnji v Celeji so bili prvič odkriti med izkopavanji v letih 1991–1992. Količina
steklenega gradiva je bila precejšnja, med njimi so bili kosi surovega stekla. Različni odpadki v obliki ka-
pelj, niti, staljenega stekla in zavrženih slabo izdelanih posod so dokazovali, da so na najdišču steklo tali-
li, preverjali njegovo kakovost in izdelovali posode. Nova izkopavanja v letih 2003–2004 so potrdila de-
lovanje steklarske delavnice. V poznorimski grob je bil priložen polizdelek polkroglaste skodelice, kar
dokazuje, da so bile steklarske delavnice v mestu aktivne še v celotnem 3. stol.
Ključne besede: steklarska delavnica, surovo steklo, odpadki stekla, proizvodnja stekla, polizdelek

Evidence of glass production in Celeia was first discovered during excavations in 1991–92. The quantity
of the glass material was considerable. Raw blue-green glass predominated and the largest pieces were 2
to 3 cm thick. Various waste in the form of drops, threads, chips of melted glass and poorly worked ves-
sels shows that glass was melted, tested and worked. New excavations in 2003–2004 confirmed the exis-
tence of a glass workshop. The unfinished bowl was added to a late Roman grave. This proves that the
glass workshops in Celeia were still in operation in the 3rd century.
Keywords: glass workshop, raw glass, glass waste, glass production, glass bowl

Proof of the production of glass in Celeia of the excavated area was limited to the dimen-
was first discovered during excavations in sions of the construction pit, it is considered that
Levstikova Street in 1991–92 (Lazar 1997, it will be possible to excavate the site complete-
7; 2003a, 214, fig. 57; 2008a). A major concen- ly in the future.
tration of fragments of raw amorphous glass and
a large quantity of glass waste and broken ves- The study of the excavated material con-
sels were found in an area of some 30 square me- firmed that glass workers were active in this
ters just along the northern edge of the late Ro- part of the city. The quantity of the excavated
man town wall (figure/slika 22). Despite careful glass material was considerable, and the rema-
work, no elements were discovered in the exca- ins of raw glass and glass waste weighed several
vated area that could be determined as the re- kilograms.
mains of glass furnaces. Only a few fragments
of clay or brick with a thick layer of melted glass The discovered pieces of raw glass were blue-
gave evidence of the existence of a glass furnace. green and decolourised. The amount of blue-
As these were rescue excavations, where the size green raw glass fragments predominated and the
largest were from 2 to 3 cm thick, which confirms
that in the workshop larger pieces of raw glass or
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