Page 487 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 487
The Equals Sign: The Challenges of Learning Arithmetic
in the Primary Grades. Madison, WI: National Center for Improving Student
Learning and Achievement in Mathematics and Science.
Chimoni, M., D. Pitta-Pantazi, and C. Christou. 2018. ‘Examining Early Algebraic
Thinking: Insights from Empirical Data.’ Educational Studies in Mathematics
Cobb, P. 1987. ‘An Investigation of Young Children’s Academic Arithmetic Con-
texts.’ Educational Studies in Mathematics 18 (2): 109–124.
Darr, C. 2003. ‘The Meaning of “Equals”.’ New Zealand Council for Education Re-
search 2:4–7.
Falkner, K., L. Levi, and T. Carpenter. 1999. ‘Early Childhood Corner: Children’s
Understanding of Equality: A Foundation for Algebra.’ Teaching Children
Mathematics 6 (4): 232–236.
Filloy, E., and T. Rojano. 1989. ‘Solving Equations: The Transition from Arithmetic
to Algebra.’ For the Learning of Mathematics 9 (2): 19–25.
Freiman, V., and L. Lee. 2004. ‘Tracking Primary Students’ Understanding of
the Equality Sign.’ In Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, edited by M. J. Hoines
and A. B. Fuglestad, 415–422. Bergen: Bergen University College.
Harbour, K. E., K. S. Karp, and A. S. Lingo. 2016. ‘Inquiry to Action: Diagnos-
ing and Addressing Students’ Relational Thinking about the Equal Sign.’
TEACHING Exceptional Children 49 (2): 126–133.
Hattikudur, S., and M. W. Alibali. 2010. ‘Learning about the Equal Sign: Does
Comparing with Inequality Symbols Help?’ Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology 107 (1): 15–30.
Ilić, S., and M. Zeljić. 2017. ‘Pravila stalnosti zbira i razlike kao osnova strategija
računanja.’ Inovacije u nastavi 30 (1): 55–66.
Jones, I., M. Inglis, C. Gilmore, and M. Dowens. 2012. ‘Substitution and Same-
ness: Two Components of a Relational Conception of the Equals Sign.’ Jour-
nal of Experimental Child Psychology 113 (1): 166–176.
Jones, I., M. Inglis, C. Gilmore, and R. Evans. 2013. ‘Teaching the Substitutive
Conception of the Equals Sign.’ Research in Mathematics Education 15 (1):
Kieran, C. 1981. ‘Concepts Associated with the Equality Symbol.’ Educational
Studies in Mathematics 12 (3): 317–326.
Knuth, E. J., A. C. Stephens, N. M. McNeil, and M. W. Alibali. 2006. ‘Does Under-
standing the Equal Sign Matter? Evidence from Solving Equations.’ Journal
for Research in Mathematics Education 37 (4): 297–312.
Lee, J., and J. Pang. 2021. ‘Students’ Opposing Conceptions of EQUATIONS with
Two Equal Signs.’ Mathematical Thinking and Learning 23 (3): 209–224.
Li, X., M. Ding, M. M. Capraro, and R. M. Capraro. 2008. ‘Sources of Differences
in Children’s Understandings of Mathematical Equality.’ Cognition and In-
struction 26 (2): 195–217.
in the Primary Grades. Madison, WI: National Center for Improving Student
Learning and Achievement in Mathematics and Science.
Chimoni, M., D. Pitta-Pantazi, and C. Christou. 2018. ‘Examining Early Algebraic
Thinking: Insights from Empirical Data.’ Educational Studies in Mathematics
Cobb, P. 1987. ‘An Investigation of Young Children’s Academic Arithmetic Con-
texts.’ Educational Studies in Mathematics 18 (2): 109–124.
Darr, C. 2003. ‘The Meaning of “Equals”.’ New Zealand Council for Education Re-
search 2:4–7.
Falkner, K., L. Levi, and T. Carpenter. 1999. ‘Early Childhood Corner: Children’s
Understanding of Equality: A Foundation for Algebra.’ Teaching Children
Mathematics 6 (4): 232–236.
Filloy, E., and T. Rojano. 1989. ‘Solving Equations: The Transition from Arithmetic
to Algebra.’ For the Learning of Mathematics 9 (2): 19–25.
Freiman, V., and L. Lee. 2004. ‘Tracking Primary Students’ Understanding of
the Equality Sign.’ In Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, edited by M. J. Hoines
and A. B. Fuglestad, 415–422. Bergen: Bergen University College.
Harbour, K. E., K. S. Karp, and A. S. Lingo. 2016. ‘Inquiry to Action: Diagnos-
ing and Addressing Students’ Relational Thinking about the Equal Sign.’
TEACHING Exceptional Children 49 (2): 126–133.
Hattikudur, S., and M. W. Alibali. 2010. ‘Learning about the Equal Sign: Does
Comparing with Inequality Symbols Help?’ Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology 107 (1): 15–30.
Ilić, S., and M. Zeljić. 2017. ‘Pravila stalnosti zbira i razlike kao osnova strategija
računanja.’ Inovacije u nastavi 30 (1): 55–66.
Jones, I., M. Inglis, C. Gilmore, and M. Dowens. 2012. ‘Substitution and Same-
ness: Two Components of a Relational Conception of the Equals Sign.’ Jour-
nal of Experimental Child Psychology 113 (1): 166–176.
Jones, I., M. Inglis, C. Gilmore, and R. Evans. 2013. ‘Teaching the Substitutive
Conception of the Equals Sign.’ Research in Mathematics Education 15 (1):
Kieran, C. 1981. ‘Concepts Associated with the Equality Symbol.’ Educational
Studies in Mathematics 12 (3): 317–326.
Knuth, E. J., A. C. Stephens, N. M. McNeil, and M. W. Alibali. 2006. ‘Does Under-
standing the Equal Sign Matter? Evidence from Solving Equations.’ Journal
for Research in Mathematics Education 37 (4): 297–312.
Lee, J., and J. Pang. 2021. ‘Students’ Opposing Conceptions of EQUATIONS with
Two Equal Signs.’ Mathematical Thinking and Learning 23 (3): 209–224.
Li, X., M. Ding, M. M. Capraro, and R. M. Capraro. 2008. ‘Sources of Differences
in Children’s Understandings of Mathematical Equality.’ Cognition and In-
struction 26 (2): 195–217.