Page 602 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 602
a Keršič in Andreja Kozmus
Runions, K. C., in M. Bak. 2015. »Online Moral Disengagement, Cyberbullying,
and Cyber-Aggression.« Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
18 (7): 400–405.
Sánchez-Fernández, M., M. Borda-Mas in J. Mora-Merchán. 2023. »Problematic
Internet Use by University Students and Associated Predictive Factors: A
Systematic Review.« Computers in Human Behavior 139 (4): 107532.
Sechi, C., C. Cabrasa in L. Sideli. 2023. »Cyber-Victimisation and Cyber-Bullying:
The Mediation Role of the Dispositional Forgiveness in Female and Male
Adolescents.« Journal of Beliefs and Values.
Slattery, L. C., H. G. Peshak in L. Kern. 2019. »Defining the Word Bullying: Inconsi-
stencies and Lack of Clarity among Current Definitions.« Preventing School
Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 63 (3): 227–235.
Slonje, R., P. K. Smith in A. Frisén. 2012. »Processes of Cyberbullying, and Feelings
of Remorse by Bullies: A Pilot Study.« European Journal of Developmental
Psychology 9 (2): 244–259.
Smith, P., J. Mahdavi, M. Carvahlo, S. Fisher, S. Russell in N. Tippett. 2008. »Cyber-
bullying: Its Nature and Impact in Secondary School Pupils.« Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49 (4): 376–385.
Snakenborg, J., R. Van Acker in R. A. Gable. 2011. »Cyber-Bullying: Prevention
and Intervention to Protect Our Children and Youth.« Preventing School
Failure 55 (2): 88-95.
Spears, B., P. Slee, L. Owens in B. Johnson. 2008. Behind the Scenes: Insights Into
the Human Dimension of Covert Bullying. Adelaide: Hawke Research Insti-
tute for Sustainable Societies.
Srebrnič, P. 2019. »Internetno medvrstniško nasilje med študenti fakultete za
socialno delo.« Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Ljubljani.
Šulc, A., in A. Bučar Ručman. 2019. »Šola in medvrstniško nasilje v Sloveniji: raz-
iskovalni pristopi, metode in metaanaliza dosedanjega raziskovanja v Slo-
veniji.« Šolsko polje 30 (1-2): 63–88.
Vintar Spreitzer, M., D. Baš, A. Radšel, M. Brecelj Anderluh, M. Vreča, Š. Reš, Š. Se-
lak idr. 2021. Smernice za uporabo zaslonov pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Ljub-
ljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje.
Williford, A., R. Orsi, K. J. DePaolis in I. Debbie. 2018. »Cyber and Traditional
Peer Victimization: Examining Unique Associations with Children’s Inter-
nalizing Difficulties.« Child Youth Services Revie 93:51–59.
Experiences and Interventions of Victims of Cyberbullying among
Slovenian High School Students
The amount of time young people are daily spending online is increasing and
highly exceeds the recommendations of experts. Young people are often ex-
posed to harmful content online and to various forms of cyberbullying, which
Runions, K. C., in M. Bak. 2015. »Online Moral Disengagement, Cyberbullying,
and Cyber-Aggression.« Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
18 (7): 400–405.
Sánchez-Fernández, M., M. Borda-Mas in J. Mora-Merchán. 2023. »Problematic
Internet Use by University Students and Associated Predictive Factors: A
Systematic Review.« Computers in Human Behavior 139 (4): 107532.
Sechi, C., C. Cabrasa in L. Sideli. 2023. »Cyber-Victimisation and Cyber-Bullying:
The Mediation Role of the Dispositional Forgiveness in Female and Male
Adolescents.« Journal of Beliefs and Values.
Slattery, L. C., H. G. Peshak in L. Kern. 2019. »Defining the Word Bullying: Inconsi-
stencies and Lack of Clarity among Current Definitions.« Preventing School
Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 63 (3): 227–235.
Slonje, R., P. K. Smith in A. Frisén. 2012. »Processes of Cyberbullying, and Feelings
of Remorse by Bullies: A Pilot Study.« European Journal of Developmental
Psychology 9 (2): 244–259.
Smith, P., J. Mahdavi, M. Carvahlo, S. Fisher, S. Russell in N. Tippett. 2008. »Cyber-
bullying: Its Nature and Impact in Secondary School Pupils.« Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49 (4): 376–385.
Snakenborg, J., R. Van Acker in R. A. Gable. 2011. »Cyber-Bullying: Prevention
and Intervention to Protect Our Children and Youth.« Preventing School
Failure 55 (2): 88-95.
Spears, B., P. Slee, L. Owens in B. Johnson. 2008. Behind the Scenes: Insights Into
the Human Dimension of Covert Bullying. Adelaide: Hawke Research Insti-
tute for Sustainable Societies.
Srebrnič, P. 2019. »Internetno medvrstniško nasilje med študenti fakultete za
socialno delo.« Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Ljubljani.
Šulc, A., in A. Bučar Ručman. 2019. »Šola in medvrstniško nasilje v Sloveniji: raz-
iskovalni pristopi, metode in metaanaliza dosedanjega raziskovanja v Slo-
veniji.« Šolsko polje 30 (1-2): 63–88.
Vintar Spreitzer, M., D. Baš, A. Radšel, M. Brecelj Anderluh, M. Vreča, Š. Reš, Š. Se-
lak idr. 2021. Smernice za uporabo zaslonov pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Ljub-
ljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje.
Williford, A., R. Orsi, K. J. DePaolis in I. Debbie. 2018. »Cyber and Traditional
Peer Victimization: Examining Unique Associations with Children’s Inter-
nalizing Difficulties.« Child Youth Services Revie 93:51–59.
Experiences and Interventions of Victims of Cyberbullying among
Slovenian High School Students
The amount of time young people are daily spending online is increasing and
highly exceeds the recommendations of experts. Young people are often ex-
posed to harmful content online and to various forms of cyberbullying, which