Page 22 - Enakost spolov: premisleki in izzivi
P. 22
ona Sitar Politika vključevanja transspolnih in nebinarnih oseb:
primer feministično-spiritualnega menstrualnega
Univerza na Primorskem, družbenega gibanja Rdeči šotor
Fakulteta za humanistične študije
University of Primorska, Menstrualna kri marsikje po svetu še vedno velja za tabu. Pomembna oblika pre-
Faculty of Humanities seganja menstrualnega tabuja je gibanje Rdeči šotor. Ustanovljeno je bilo leta 2007 v ZDA in predstavlja primer feministično-spiritualnega menstrualnega ak-
tivizma, ki posega v zakoreninjene strukture neenakosti in razgalja temeljne vi-
Enakost spolov: dike mizoginije, seksizma, homofobije ter klasizma. Čeprav se sodobne spiritual-
premisleki in izzivi nosti predstavljajo kot nehierarhične in spolno enake, se ženskih krogov, kot je
Povzetki posveta o enakosti spolov Rdeči šotor, v največji meri udeležujejo cisspolne, heteroseksualne bele ženske
za vključujočo univerzo in družbo srednjega razreda, kar izključuje nebinarne, transspolne in druge LGBTQ+-osebe.
Koper, 15. november 2023 Postmoderne ideje o fluidnosti spola so dodatno prispevale h glasovom LGBTQ+-
Gender Equality: ljudi, ki so kritizirali spolne binarnosti v spiritualnih skupinah in priskrbeli nove
Considerations and Challenges argumente za socialno vključenost. V prispevku bomo poskušali razumeti, ali so
Abstracts of the Symposium Rdeči šotori v Sloveniji odprti za bolj raznolike identitete z vključevanjem trans-
on Gender Equality for an Inclusive spolnih in nebinarnih oseb, ter odgovoriti, ali gibanje Rdeči šotor krepi ali presega
University and Society esencialistične konstrukcije ženskosti in hegemonijo esencializirane spolne bi-
Koper, 15 November 2023 narnosti. Raziskava metodološko temelji na etnografskem terenskem delu v obliki
opazovanja z udeležbo na srečanjih Rdečega šotora v Sloveniji, polstrukturiranih
poglobljenih intervjujih z udeleženkami in gostiteljicami ter poglobljeni vsebin-
ski analizi interakcij, kakor se manifestirajo v digitalni komunikaciji (spletne strani,
Facebook itd.).

Ključne besede: aktivizem, izključitev, transspolnost

The Politics of Transgender and Nonbinary Inclusion:
The Case of the Feminist-Spiritualist Menstrual Social
Movement Red Tent

Menstrual blood is still regarded as taboo in many parts of the world. An im-
portant form of breaking the menstrual taboo is the Red Tent movement. It was
founded in 2007 in the USA and represents an example of a feminist-spiritualist
menstrual activism that intervenes in entrenched structures of inequality and ex-
poses fundamental aspects of misogyny, sexism, homophobia and classism. Al-
though contemporary spiritualities present themselves as non-hierarchical and
gender equal, women’s circles such as the Red Tent is pre-dominantly practiced
by cisgender, heterosexual and white middle-class women excluding lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and other LGBTQ+ people. Post-
modern ideas about gender fluidity further contributed to the voices of LGBTQ+
people who critiqued residual gender binaries operative in some spiritual groups
and provided new arguments for social inclusion. In this paper, we will try to
understand whether the Red Tents in Slovenia are open to more diverse iden-
tities by including transgender and non-binary people, and answer whether the
Red Tent movement reinforces or challenges essentialist constructions of wom-
anhood and the hegemony of the essentialized gender binary. The research is
methodologically based on ethnographic fieldwork by participating in Red Tent
gatherings in Slovenia, semi-structured in-depth interviews with participants and
hosts and in-depth content analysis of interactions manifesting through digital
communications (websites, newsletters, Facebook etc.).

Key words: activism, exclusion, transgender 22
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