Page 5 - Enakost spolov: premisleki in izzivi
P. 5
hanism, Slovenian legislation and the Gender Equality Plan of the University
of Primorska, the investment project integrates the principles of gender equality
and equal opportunities for all into all phases of the project/activities. At its core,
the University builds and promotes interpersonal relationships based on the in-
clusion of diversity. Understanding and coexistence with dissenting voices are
fundamental pillars of a critical academic community that respects human rights
and has zero tolerance for discrimination and intolerance. In accordance with the
Gender Equality Plan of the University of Primorska and the Law on Equal Oppor-
tunities for Women and Men, UP will ensure that all project activities are systemat-
ically assessed from a gender perspective or that the possible consequences for
the position of women and men are taken into account in all phases of project

The symposium offers a diverse range of disciplinary, theoretical and expe-
riential presentations that consider different perspectives on gender equality,
from the normative, categorial and performative, through the ethnic, processual
and intersectional, to the subversive, transgressive and transformative. Sympo-
sium participants will reflect on gender (in)equality in relation to gender, vari-
ous (in)equalities, normativity, class, ethnicity, sexuality, intersectionality, bina-
rity, non-binarity, cisgender and transgender. They will also reflect on gender
(in)equality in different fields (gender policies, law education, university, rural en-
vironments, travel, migration, media, public and private spaces).

The symposium will be held in the framework of the Green, Digital and Inclu-
sive University of Primorska (GDI UP) project – a pilot project of the University
of Primorska within the framework of the action of the renewal of higher pro-
fessional education for the reform of higher education for a green and resilient
transition to a 5.0 society.

The symposium will be held in Slovenian and English.

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