Page 7 - Enakost spolov: premisleki in izzivi
P. 7

15 November 2023 | University of Primorska

.–. Registration
.–. Welcome Address: Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska
.–. Welcome Address: Prof. Dr. Irena Lazar, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Univer-
sity of Primorska

.–. Gender Equality: Reflections on Normative, Categorial
.–. and Performative Perspectives
.–. Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alenka Janko Spreizer

.–. Equality between Women and Men: Overview of Policy Developments in Slove-
.–. nia, dr. Sonja Robnik
The Significance of Gender Equality in Legal Education, Assist. Prof. Dr. Tilen Štajn-
pihler Božič

Development and Implementation of the Protocol on Gender Equality at Univer-
sity: Equality and Justice, Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patricia Blatnik,
Assist. Dr. Jan Frančeškin

Gender as a Social Practice: Categories as Reality Determinants, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Tadej Praprotnik


Coffee Break

.–. Gender Equality: Reflections on Ethnic, Processual
.–. and Intersectional Perspectives
.–. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Vlado Kotnik
.–. Gender in Agriculture: An Example of a Survey on Gender Equality in the Slove-
.–. nian Countryside, Ana Pavlič

Beyond Identity, Unveiled Intersectionality: A Case of Roma LGBT+ Initiatives in
Prekmurje, Marcel Baranja

Women in Modern Migration Processes: An Example of Local Practices of Female
Migrants in Slovenia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karmen Medica

Gender, Race, Class . . . : Intersectional Perspectives in Research of Complex In-
equalities, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alenka Janko Spreizer


Coffee Break

.–. Gender Equality: Reflections on Subversive, Transgressive
and Transformative Perspectives
.–. Moderator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tadej Praprotnik

.–. Columbus, a Being of the Female Sex. Reflections on Gender in Alma Karlin’s Travel
.–. Writings, Assist. Prof. Dr. Irena Weber

.–. The Politics of Transgender and Nonbinary Inclusion: The Case of the Feminist-
Spiritualist Menstrual Social Movement Red Tent, Assist. Prof. Dr. Polona Sitar

Trouble with Genders: A Critique of Binary Gender Equality, Prof. Dr. Vlado Kotnik

From Fixing Women to Fixing Organizations: Gender Equality as a Transformative
Agenda for Inclusive Research, Dr. Maxime Forest

Discussion with Conclusions

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