Page 232 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 232

Klara Hudournik, Nives Ličen in Marjana Šifrar Kalan

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                          ning.« Educational Psychologist 50 (4): 258–283.
                       Qiu, L., K. Sun in M. Zuo. 2017. »Gamification on Senior Citizen’s Information
                          Technology Learning: The Mediator Role of Intrinsic Motivation.« V ITAP
                          2017: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Aging, Design and User
                          Experience, uredila J. Zhou in G. Salvendy, 461–476. Vancouver: Springer.
                       Tay, J.,Y.M.Goh, S.Safienain H.Bound. 2022. »Designing DigitalGame-Based
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                       Univerza v Mariboru. 2020. »Igrifikacija: strokovna podlaga.«
                       Vanduhe, V. Z., M. Nat in H. F. Hasan. 2020. »Continuance Intentions to Use
                          Gamification for Training in Higher Education: Integrating the Techno-
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                       Gamification in Teaching Spanish in Groups of Older Adults
                       The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the research that has analysed
                       the method of gamification in teaching foreign languages to groups of el-
                       derly adults. The main research question was to find out the views of teach-
                       ers and elderly people taking part in a Spanish course in which the gamifica-
                       tion method was used. We used a qualitative research paradigm; the data were
                       collected through interviews, discussion groups and observations in various
                       Spanish courses for older adults organized in Slovenia during the 2022/2023
                       academic year. The results showed that both participants and teachers mostly
                       perceived positive effects of gamification, the main effect being higher mo-
                       tivation. Some elements of gamification (e.g. feedback, levels, participation,
                       time limits, relationships with people, progression, challenges) were identified
                       by participants as appropriate, while others (e.g. avatar, leaderboard, points,
                       competition, badges, dropout) were considered as less appropriate for older
                       adults. The teachers report the challenges they faced in relation to the use
                       of gamification: the characteristics of older people’s learning, the creation of
                       gamification, the older people’s digital competences and equipment to imple-
                       ment a digital form of gamification.
                       Keywords: gamification, older adults, foreign language, teaching Spanish, mo-

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