Page 69 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
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Podobe starosti v časopisih, revijah, na televiziji in spletu

                  Hess, T. M., C. Auman, S. J. Colcombe in T. A. Rahhal. 2002. »The Impact of Ste-
                     reotype Threat on Age Differences in Memory Performance.« Journals of
                     Gerontology 58 (1): 3–11.
                  Iversen, S. M., in M. Wilinska. 2020. »Ageing, Old Age and Media: Critical Appra-
                     isal of Knowledge Practices in Academic Research.« International Journal
                     of Ageing and Later Life 14 (1): 121–149.
                  Kemp, C. L., in M. Denton. 2003. »The Allocation of Responsibility for Later Life:
                     Canadian Reflections on the Roles of Individuals, Government, Employers
                     and Families.« Ageing & Society 23 (6): 737–760.
                  Kessler, E.-M., K. Rakoczy in U. M. Staudinger. 2004. »The Portrayal of Older Pe-
                     ople in Prime Time Television Series: The Match with Gerontological Evi-
                     dence.« Ageing and Society 24 (4): 531–552.
                  Koskinen, S., L. Salminen in H. Leino-Kilpi. 2014. »Media Portrayal of Older Peo-
                     ple as Illustrated in Finnish Newspapers.« International Journal of Qualita-
                     tive Studies on Health and Well-Being 9 (1).2Fqhw
                  Kovács, G., P. Aczél in T. Bokor. 2020. »The Portrayal of Elderly Men and Women
                     in Hungarian Television News Programmes.« Ageing and Society 41 (9):
                  Kreačič, L. 2004. »Med modrostjo in nemočjo: podobe starostnikov na spletu.«
                     Kakovostna starost 9 (2): 16–29.
                  Kroon, A. C., M. van Selm, C. L. ter Hoeven in R. Vliegenthart. 2018. »Reliable and
                     Unproductive: Stereotypes of Older Employees in Corporate and News
                     Media.« Ageing and Society 38 (1): 166–191.
                  Lazar, A., M. Diaz, R. Brewer, C. Kim in A. M. Piper. 2017. »Going Gray, Failure to
                     Hire, and the Ick Factor: Analyzing How Older Bloggers Talk about Age-
                     ism.« V CSCW ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Su-
                     pported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, uredili C. P. Lee, S. Pol-
                     trock, L. Barkhuus,M.Borges inW.Kellogg,655–668.New York:Association
                     for Computing Machinery.
                  Levy, B. R., O. Ashman in I. Dror. 2000. »To Be or Not to Be: The Effects of Aging
                     Stereotypes on the Will to Live.« Omega 40 (3): 409–420.
                  Levy, B. R., M. Slade in T. Gill. 2006. »Hearing Decline Predicted by Elders’ Stere-
                     otypes.« Journals of Gerontology 61 (2): 82–87.
                     Stress with Positive Self-Stereotypes of Aging.« Journals of Gerontology 55
                     (4): 205–213.
                  Levy, B. R., M. D. Slade, S. R. Kunkel in S. V. Kasl. 2002. »Longevity Increased by
                     Positive Selfperceptionsof Aging.«JournalofPersonalityandSocialPsycho-
                     logy 83 (2): 261–270.
                  Lumme-Sandt, K. 2011. »Images of Ageing in a 50+ Magazine.« Journal of Aging
                     Studies 25 (1): 45–51.

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