Page 86 - Homo senescens II: izbrane teme
P. 86

Jernej Kovač in Danijela Lahe

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                       Wood, S., in P. Liossis. 2007. »Potentially Stressful Life Events and Emotional Clo-
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                       World Health Organization. 2015. World Report on Ageing and Health. Ženeva:
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                       Analysis of Intergenerational Family Relationships
                       from a Relational Family Therapy Perspective
                       With the intensive ageing of the population and the growing number of older
                       people in Western societies, establishment of intergenerational cooperation,
                       particularly between the younger and older generations, is becoming more
                       and more important. Due to changes in the family and in society in general,
                       today, cooperation between generations in the family is often difficult. To this
                       end, the authors point out the importance of learning the psychosocial skills of
                       grandparenting starting from a relational family view of mutual relations. The
                       most common dynamics that can develop in the relationship between grand-
                       parents and grandchildren are presented. Here, special attention is paid to the
                       various challenges that older people may face in their relationships with other
                       family members. The basic knowledge and skills that are necessary for older
                       people are also discussed so that they can cope with the various difficulties in
                       the aforementioned relationships as functionally as possible and in this way
                       experience a rewarding grandparenthood.
                       Keywords: intergenerational cooperation, grandparents, family, relational fam-
                       ily therapy

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