Page 349 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 349
Transition Practice from Kindergarten to Elementary School
The transition of children from kindergarten to elementary school is an im-
portant process that requires careful planning and support from all involved
participants (Soenens et al. 2005; OECD 2017; Visković 2018). The research
showed that preschool teachers and elementary school teachers are aware
of the importance of quality transitional practice and mutual cooperation in
facilitating the transition process of children from kindergarten to elemen-
tary school. Their appraisals of the quality of transition practice can signif-
icantly impact the transition’s success, suggesting the need for further im-
provement through stronger cooperation and the creation of a stimulating
tion and implementation of strategies that will improve transition practice in
the Croatian context. In this connection new research questions are opened,
relatedto amorethorough investigation ofthecurrent cooperation between
preschool teachers and elementary school teachers in the context of ensur-
ing accessibility between kindergarten and school in Croatia and adapting
the child to the school environment. In this regard, it would be important
to determine the predictors that contribute to the implementation of good
transitional practices in the Croatian context, taking into account coopera-
tion with parents. A qualitative approach would enable a deeper insight into
the perspective of preschool teachers and elementary school teachers in the
context of the transition processes from kindergarten to school.
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