Page 115 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2024. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih / Health of Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 115

Invited lecture

               Problems, challenges and opportunities in the field of older workers’

               Dani Mirnik
               Institute of Occupational Safety Ltd., Center for Occupational Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia
               Background and purpose: The health of older workers is one of the key areas of public
               health that requires an integrated and interdisciplinary approach. Due to demograph-
               ic changes and the ageing of the population, it is necessary to develop strategies to en-
               sure quality and healthy ageing. In this summary, we will discuss the main problems,
               challenges and opportunities in the field of older workers’ health with the aim of im-
               proving their health, maintaining their ability to work and improving their quality of life.
               Content presentation: The incidence of various diseases increases with age, resulting in
               a higher number of patients, disabilities and other problems that are indirectly related
               to the ability to work (productivity, general well-being, etc.). Among the working old-
               er population, chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and respira-
               tory diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders such as depression, anxi-
               ety and others, as well as the sick population are more prevalent. These diseases not
               only affect the health of individuals, but also have far-reaching economic consequenc-
               es, including higher healthcare costs and lower productivity. Lack of knowledge about
               healthy lifestyles and chronic disease management is more prevalent among work-
               ing older adults than among younger generations. Educational programmes tailored
               to this population group are key to improving their health. In Slovenia, in principle, all
               employees have access to occupational health services. The development of telemed-
               icine and other digital health solutions offers opportunities for better access and uti-
               lisation of healthcare. These technologies can enable better monitoring of workers’
               health indicators and help in the formulation of appropriate strategies and the devel-
               opment of expertise for appropriate multidisciplinary approaches. An important as-
               pect is the appropriate promotion of health in the workplace, as investment in preven-
               tion programmes such as appropriate medical check-ups and the promotion of healthy
               lifestyles can significantly reduce the burden of chronic disease, improve quality of life
               and maintain employability.                                                   problemi, izzivi in priložnosti na področju zdravja ... | concerns, challenges and opportunities in the health ...
               Conclusions: Dealing with health policies for older workers requires a holistic approach.
               Designing policies that support healthy ageing and the inclusion of older people in soci-
               ety is crucial. This includes adapting the workplace to the needs of older workers, pro-
               viding accessible health services and promoting active ageing. Awareness of the impor-
               tance of these aspects and their inclusion in public health strategies can contribute to
               a healthier and more inclusive society that enables quality ageing for all.
               Keywords: health promotion, active aging, older adults

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