Page 111 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2024. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih / Health of Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 111

Addressing the Challenges of Aging Populations:
               Insights from Exercise Program Environmental Factors

               Mateja Znika , Ivana Živoder  , Vesna Brumnić 2
               1 Department of Physiotherapy, University Center Varaždin, University North, Varaždin,
               2 University of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar, Croatia
               Introduction: By the year 2060, the average age of a citizen in the European Union will
               reach 47.2 years, with individuals aged 65 and older constituting nearly 30% of the
               population, a significant increase from the 16% recorded in 2010. Continuation of this
               trend, driven by declining birth rates, is expected to further reduce the proportion
               of the working-age population, leading to a continued rise in the population aged 65
               and above, potentially by up to two million annually. To adequately address the needs
               of the aging population in urban settings, it is imperative to understand the prevailing
               methods of information dissemination and attendance at exercise programs. Environ-
               mental factors, often overlooked in research, significantly impact individual’s quality of
               life and health. While some environmental factors may hinder older adult’s participa-
               tion in exercise programs, such as difficult terrain or transportation issues, others can
               facilitate it, such as proximity to activity venues, accessible rest areas along the way,
               availability of public transportation, and effective distribution of information about
               available programs.
               Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted from November 2018 to March 2019
               included 200 individuals aged 65 and older participating in free exercise programs. The
               majority were female (190), with only 10 males. A general questionnaire based on the
               ‘Questionnaire for Elderly Persons,’ developed by the Center of Gerontology, Public
               Health Institute of the City of Zagreb, and consists of three sets of questions: general
               section, health and health status, and quality of life., administered in a traditional pen- preventiva in rehabilitacija ... | prevention and rehabilitation ...
               and-paper format, was utilized for data collection.
               Results: The study revealed that most participants (74,0%) learned about exercise pro-
               grams through personal acquaintances or contacts via retirement associations or dur-
               ing pre-registration for retirement homes. Only a small percentage (4.5%) learned
               about the programs through the internet, highlighting the limited internet literacy
               among program participants. Accessibility of program locations significantly influenced
               participation, with 83.0% of participants arriving on foot, despite the availability of
               public transportation used by only 10.0% of participants.
               Discussion and Conclusion: Direct personal contact remains the most effective means of
               information dissemination among older adults. Accessibility emerged as a critical fac-
               tor in program design to promote participation in health-promoting activities like ex-
               ercise. Physiotherapists as well as other health professionals face new challenges due
               to increased demands and costs associated with providing care to the elderly. To en-
               gage a larger number of older adults in exercise programs, easily accessible programs
               within the local community, with clear information dissemination, are essential.
               Keywords: elderly care, exercise programs, accessibility, physiotherapy

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