Page 177 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2024. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih / Health of Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 177

Trend in the number of intentional overdoses with a fatal outcome
               in the years 2019 to 2022 in Slovenia

                 Mateja Jandl
               National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia

               Background and purpose: The number of drug-related deaths is high in Slovenia (44 cas-
               es per million inhabitants between the ages of 15 and 64) and steadily increased until
               2020. The number of drug-related suicides fell from 23 cases in 2019 to three (3) cas-
               es in 2020, and then started to rise again in 2021 and 2022. The most commonly in-
               volved substances are illicit opioids, cocaine, medications (especially benzodiazepines,
               antidepressants, prescription opioid analgesics) and alcohol. The aim of the research is
               to find out which are the most common drugs, medicines and drug combinations used
               by people who commit suicide in 2019-2022. A case study is conducted on 50 people
               whose deaths were coded X61–X62 as External causes of morbidity and mortality ac-
               cording to ICD -10 from the National Death Database. For each case, forensic autop-
               sies and toxicology analyzes and involvement in drug addiction treatment will also be
               reviewed and analyzed.
               Content presentation: We will present data on drug-related deaths where suicide was
               the intention (socio-demographic data, data on alcohol and main and related drugs).
               Where possible, we will examine factors associated with suicide attempts: addiction
               treatment, female sex, younger age, lower education, polydrug use, benzodiazepine
               use, recent heroin overdose, major depression. From 2015 to 2021, the number of   posterji | poster presentations
               overdose deaths in the over-45 age group increased by 50%. So, there is an aging trend
               among high-risk drug users, but mainly because of the increased number of deaths
               among women who abuse drugs and prescription opioids for pain relief. In the last
               three years, synthetic opioids, or opioid analgesics, were present in half of the over-
               dose cases among deceased women.
               Conclusions: Through this research, we obtained important information for under-
               standing the main risk factors in Slovenia, which will be used to plan preventive meas-
               ures. This includes revision of guidelines for prescribing opioid-based analgesics, estab-
               lishing programmes for screening the patients at risk for overdose, and implementing
               specific programs and strategies to reduce the risk of suicide in this population, such as
               drug consumption rooms, take-home naloxone programmes, stigma reduction. It will
               also contribute to a better understanding of this problem in an international context.
               Keywords: illicit drugs, suicide, risk factors

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