Page 138 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 138
Marina Volk in Mara Cotič
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Cross-Curricular Integration of Mathematics and Science in 5th Grade
to Develop Competences for Sustainability through Problems
This paper outlines the theoretical foundation of a cross-curricular approach
that integrates mathematics, science, and technology to foster competences
for sustainability, which are typically interdisciplinary. Mastery of mathemat-
ical knowledge and developed mathematical thinking, including problem-
solving skills, is essential for thriving in today’s rapidly evolving society, which
is closely linked with modern technology. As Aguele in Usman (2007) empha-
size, without mathematics, there is no science; without science, there is no
modern technology; and without modern technology, there is no modern
society. By focusing on learning and solving various types of mathematical
problems, we have reviewed mathematical textbooks and designed problem-
based tasks for 5th-grade students that combine knowledge from mathemat-
ics, science, and technology, and by situating students within a broader task
context, progressively build competencies for sustainability.
Keywords: mathematics, science and technology, competences for sustainable
development, mathematical problems