Page 203 - Pelc, Stanko. 2015. Mestno prebivalstvo Slovenije. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
P. 203

Urban Population of Slovenia

Urban population and demographic processes in Slovenian cities are not a
frequent subject of (geographical) research, especially if we have in mind
the urban population in general meaning the population of all Sloveni-
an cities (urban areas). In order to fill in this gap in the systematic study of
population in Slovenia, we decided to dedicate this work to the following

• what is the urban population in Slovenia,
• how does this population differ from the rest of Slovenian popula-

• what are the main characteristics of Slovenian urban population,
• how do the demographic characteristics differ among Slovenian ci-

• what processes associated with the demographic change and re-

production of population are evident from the available statistical
• what are the effects of these processes in the cities and on the urban
The first problem that we were forced to cope with was the definiti-
on of urban population. It is something that many authors have been dis-
cussing, but there is no final solution and things seems to be worse at pre-
sent as people who are living predominantly urban way of life are scattered
all around and even very far from what can be considered as typical city or
typical urban area. We could probably define new category of part time ur-
ban population for those living outside urban areas, but living predomi-
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