Page 20 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 20
: oblikovali bomo program za čutne tions in the functioning of an individual,
spodbude, ki dosežejo mlade obiskovalce helps remove barriers and provide further
(vonjam, tipam in okušam čas antike) in opportunities for their active involvement
odrasle. Aktivnosti bodo obsegale več in various areas of social life, including in
delavnic, katerih vsaka bo poudarila eno the role of visitors of cultural and natural
od čutil zaznavanja (npr. vonj – začimbe, heritage.
parfumi, pridelki; otip – keramika, steklo,
kamen, mozaik, volna). S programom bodo Activities in the park are planned in the
obiskovalci vseh starostnih skupin skozi cooperation with the Faculty of Education
predmet spoznavali vsakdan antičnega UP, so that they meet the multi-sensorial
človeka. OPP bodo prilagojena tudi javna needs of the people with special needs.
vodstva po parku, na voljo bodo zvočni A stimulating programme will be drafted,
vodiči, karte s tlorisi, besedila v brajici. which will address the sensorial abilities
(to smell, to feel and to taste the ancient
c. Potapljanje in podvodni times) of the young and the adult visitors.
poligon na območju rimskega
pristanišča Several workshops will be held on the
subject of individual sensorial abilities
Pristanišče v Simonovem zalivu je s (e.g. smell – spices, perfumes, produce;
skoraj 8000 m2 pristaniškega območja feel – ceramics, glass, stone, mosaic,
poleg Fažane eno največjih na zahodno wool). Through the programme, visitors
istrski obali. Pristanišče je sestavljeno iz of all ages will be acquainted with the
treh delov, ki so zgrajeni iz velikih blokov ancient man’s everyday by way of ob-
peščenjaka: obalni zid ali bankina, ki ščiti jects. Guided tours of the park will be
prst pred erozijo, pomol in dolg valobran, designed for persons with special needs,
ki pristanišče varuje pred vetrom. with sound guides, ground plan charts
and texts in braille.

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