Page 229 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 229

Table 78: Share of sales in foreign market in 2013

Share of foreign sales in year 2013 N Mean St. Dev. St. Err. Min Max
151 4.97 2.189 0.178 18
Share of foreign sales in year 2013 N Percent
0% 151 Frequency 4.0% 229
1-10% 151 6 15.9%
11-20% 151 24 11.3%
21-30% 151 17 10.6%
31-50% 151 16 9.9%
51-70% 151 15 18.5%
71-90% 151 28 14.6%
91-100% 151 22 15.2%

Note: N = number of observations; Mean = mean value (variable Share of sales abroad in
2013 was measured by the extent of sales on foreign markets, ranging from 0 to 100% (level 1
= 0%; level 2 = 1-10%; level 3 = 11-20 %; level 4 = 21-30%; level 5 = 31-50%; level 6 = 51-70%; le-
vel 7 = 71-90%; level 8 = 91-100%); St. Dev. = standard deviation; St. Err. = standard error of
Mean; Min = minimum; Max = maximum.

Table 79 illustrates descriptive statistics for the construct interna-
tionalization, which was measured by three items: number of foreign
markets, share of sales on foreign markets in 2013 and number of opera-
tion modes. We can see that analyzed companies, on average, operate on
6 to 10 foreign markets; they had between 31-50% of sales on foreign mar-
kets in 2013 and use two operation modes for international activities (Ta-
ble 79).

Table 79: Descriptive statistics for internationalization

N Mean St. Dev. Skew St. Err. Kurt St. Err.
Skew Kurt
Number of foreign markets 151 4.83 1.971 0.340 0.197 -1.258 0.392
Share of sales abroad in 2013 0.571
Number of operation modes 151 4.97 2.189 -0.185 0.197 0.392
151 2.60 1.567 0.988 0.197

Note: N = number of observations; Mean = mean value (variable Number of foreign mar-
kets has been coded as follows: level 1 = zero countries; level 2 = 1 country; level 3 = betwe-
en 2-3 countries; level 4 = between 4-5 countries; level 5 = between 6-10 countries; level 6 =
between 11-15 countries; level 7 = between 16-20 countries; level 8 = more than 21 countri-
es; the performance dimension of internationalization (Share of sales abroad in 2013) was
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