Page 227 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 227

(3.9%) use six operation modes and two companies (1.3%) use seven op-
eration modes. Lastly, only one company (0.7%) reported the use of eight
operation modes.


Figure 23: Frequency and percentage of use of operation modes (number) by the analyzed

The second internationalization variable is the number of foreign
countries to which companies currently sell their products or services.
Further, internationalization also concerns the market in which compa-
nies operate. A higher number of markets indicates greater complexity of
companies’ operations and a wider range of knowledge that companies
must possess in order to be successful (Ruzzier et al. 2014a). Figure 24 il-
lustrates the total number of countries in which a single company oper-
ates. Based on companies included in the survey, we can see that the ma-
jority of companies (37 companies; 24.5%) sell their products/services to
two or three countries, followed by 29 companies (19.2%) that sell their
products/services in 6 to 10 countries, while 28 companies (18.5%) sell
them in 21 and more countries and 26 companies (17.2%) sell their prod-
ucts/services to four or five countries. Moreover, we can see hat 13 compa-
nies (8.6%) sell their products/services in 11 to 15 countries, eight compa-
nies (5.3%) sell only in one country, and seven companies (4.6%) sell them
in 16 to 20 countries. Lastly, of the surveyed companies, three companies
(2%) do not sell their products/services in foreign countries.
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