Page 225 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 225

nies (22.5%) identified themselves as born global (immediately starting to
operate on foreign markets), followed by 30 companies (19.9%) that start-
ed their internationalization process at between 1-3 years. The majori-
ty of companies – 39 companies (25.8%) – started operating on foreign
markets at 21 years or more, followed by 18 companies (11.9%) that start-
ed with international operations at between 7-10 years old. Moreover, 16
companies (10.6%) started operating on foreign markets at between 4-6
years old and 13 companies (8.6%) started operating on foreign markets
at between 11-20 years. Lastly, one company answered that they have not
yet started the internationalization process.


Figure 22: Frequency and percentage of use of operation modes (types) by the analyzed

First, we present briefly descriptive statistics of the variable called op-
eration modes for the internationalized companies in our sample (Fig-
ure 22). Operation modes in our survey were classified into nine groups:
1) import; 2) direct export; 3) indirect export (export through interme-
diary); 4) sole venture direct investment; 5) joint venture direct invest-
ment; 6) contract; 7) product/service licensing; 8) franchising or 9) oth-
er. Figure 22 illustrates that the most frequently used operation mode for
all analyzed companies was direct export, used by 111 companies (73.5%),
followed by import (91 companies; 60.3%), indirect export (67 compa-
nies, 44.4%) and contract (64 companies; 42.4%). More rarely used by
Slovenian companies were the following operation modes: sole venture
direct investment (19 companies; 12.6%), followed by product/service li-
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