Page 228 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 228
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation


Figure 24: Frequency and percentage of the total number of countries where analyzed com-
panies sell their products/services

The third internationalization variable pertains to the company’s
share of sales abroad in year 2013 (see Table 78). The most frequent meas-
ure for internationalization performance is the percentage share of for-
eign sales. In Table 78, we can see that the analyzed companies, on aver-
age, make between 31-50% of their sales from international operations.
In more detail, 28 companies (18.5%) reported between 51-70% of their
sales on foreign markets, followed by 24 companies (15.9%) that estimat-
ed the share of sales on foreign markets in 2013 at 1-10% and 23 compa-
nies (15.2%) between 91-100%. This is followed by 22 companies (14.6%)
whose share of sales on foreign markets is between 71-90%, followed by
17 companies (11.3%) that estimated the share of foreign sales between 11-
20%, 16 companies (10.6%) between 21-30% and 15 companies (9.9%) be-
tween 31-50%. Finally, only six of the internationalized companies (4%)
reported no share of international sales in 2013.
   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233