Page 378 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 378
ksandra Šindić, Tamara Pribišev Beleslin, and Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec

Writing Therapeutic Fairy Tales for Children
in the Age of the Coronavirus
Starting with current events,¹ changed living conditions and disease spread
throughout the world in the form of an epidemic, based on constructivistic
approach to learning, and respected principles of cross-curricular teaching
(Savage 2011), we decided to apply instruction in the very context, provid-
ing situational learning environment and cooperation between students and
teachers, linking similar themes from different university subjects, and sup-
porting students develop competencies in creating a therapeutic fairy tales
for children in the current situation. Linking different subject, the aim was to
provide adequate knowledge, information, exercises and instructions as to
preparation and direct writing therapeutic fairy tales.

That was in-depth project with several phases:

1. In preparatory phase, professors, connecting three subjects (Methodics
of language development, Guided activities and learning, and Scenery
expression and puppetry) made consultations on several issues, such
as, organization and ways of following the process of students’ learn-
ing, appropriate methods of teaching according to new demands using
online learning and teaching platforms, using ICT as a mediating tool
in cross-curricular teaching (Savage 2011), metaphor of pandemic in the
perspectives of preschool children and in the context of their subjects.

2. Introductory lectures were given to students, linking the specific top-
ics and exercises from subjects with the issue of creation the thera-
peutic fairly tails, and understanding the current situation in the coun-
try and the world from the position, experiences and perspectives of
the preschool children in it. Therefore, through thematic integration
and its situational relevance, students were deepened their knowledge
about children’s literature and methodical approaches to fairy tales, a
dramatic reworking of the fairy tales, ways of artistic fairy tale text an-
imations, but also, the children’s emotions, stress, crisis, traumas, pos-
sibilities of emotion processing and behaviour regulation, etc. in the
context of guided learning activities and fostering the children’s learn-

¹ At the beginning of 2020, a global pandemic was declared, civilization was hit by a virus corona,
that resulted in the complete closure of state borders, high rates of infection and death of citi-
zens, declaring a state of emergency in almost all countries of the world, with strong measures
of social distance among the population all over the Planet. All the universities in our country
and, in almost all the countries in the World, were closed, therefore, the teaching and learning
process continued to be organized virtually, using online platforms.

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