Page 381 - Volk, Marina, Štemberger, Tina, Sila, Anita, Kovač, Nives. Ur. 2021. Medpredmetno povezovanje: pot do uresničevanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 381
Therapeutic Fairy Tales in Times of Pandemic

specific task as an expression of motivation in the cross-curricular learning
process, and (2) Effectiveness of the model of inter-subject linking in devel-
oping the professional competencies.

The task was complex, which involved linking many personal, subjective
factors (living in changed conditions, social isolation, fear for one’s health and
the health of loved ones, etc.), with those related to the teaching process
(connecting previous knowledge, linking individual teaching fields, distance
learning, etc.). The following categories were crystallized.

Initial Insecurity about a New Task, Accompanied by Initiative,
Creativity and Interest
Nearly three-quarters of students were challenged by the novelty in the ap-
proach to work and the task set before them, especially at the beginning of
writing therapeutic stories, as a concern that they would not succeed and
concern about the outcome of such activity, on the one hand, and as well
as encountering a hitherto unknown way of working by integrating multiple
subjects together. Also, the tasks are set at the highest level in the context
of Bloom’s taxonomy (creation and synthesis, Anderson and Krathwohl 2010),
which certainly contributes to the degree of challenge and complexity of the
process itself.

At first, I felt insecure and wondered if I would succeed in this task, I like
tasks that are creative, but to put myself in the writer’s skin, while mak-
ing what I write makes sense and has a message is a bit of a challenge
[. . .] [student answer 13]

In constructivist-oriented learning process, the emphasis has been placed
on fostering a process of constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing
knowledge and competencies (Richardson 1997), where students are led in
a ‘zone of proximal development’ so that questioning safety of their own
strength and fear of mistakes, is an indispensable part of the process of ad-
vancement, which is minimized in teaching by transmission. As an integral
part of the process in ‘developmental activities’ (Vygotsky 2016), the devel-
opment of willing motives and the formation of real-life plans in the imag-
inary plan is noticeable. In students’ answers, a sense of concern is always
accompanied by a sense of satisfaction, interest, initiative and creativity, but
also a sense that an important task is being done for their community. In this
way, actors in the teaching process, which is a ‘participation in learning com-
munity’ (Rogoff 2003), are given the role of ‘designers’ of their own learning

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